These are pictures I hate to see. People waiting to receive a food package free of charge because they are unable to make a living. In Greece. In European Union of Solidarity. In the eurozone. Hundreds of people flocked to a sports facility in the city of Patras in Peloponnese to receive food aid package donated by the Labor Ministry.
6,000 package for the poor. They will be distributed in a period of three days in order to avoid long waiting times.
The mayor of Patras complained that the food packages are not sufficient in content which he described as “peanuts.”
Every day, 2,000 people will go home with a bag or two with basic food items and staples. Depending on the number of their family members the bag may feed them for a couple of days or just one week.
And then?
Then they will have to listen to EU and EZ partners telling them that Greece has to stick to its commitment and proceed with further austerity measures and hikes of all kinds as soon as possible.
I suppose, these poor devils would rather receive an envelope with a job offer and a descent salary than some pasta and rice, tomato paste and cooking oil.
PS my grandma used to say “The full has no understanding for the hungry”
It’s impossible for salaries in Greece to go up. The Cost of goods must go down, but the nature of the Greek economy makes this difficult. Greece actually does not need to import that much food, but Greece is very uncompetitive price wise, so it is cheaper to import.
Utter BS!
Greece is made uncompetitive by the Euro, the memorandums and the traitors who support them.
These people who are condemned in (German) starvation must realise that as long as they allow Quislings to run the country there will be no end to their ordeal.
The transport must be paid for = fuel for the truck that bring it / ship / airplane / wages for the drivers etc.,
Sorry, but transportation costs a small fortune.
So how do they do it ? …so that it is cheaper ?
“these poor devils”
Exactly what do you mean by this ?
ALSO .. never look a gift horse in the mouth.
R. Davis, it is cheaper to import goods because they are so expensive to produce in Greece, this is due to a lack of competition over pay of farmers and workers in general, compared with what they produce, and over taxation. Until the Greeks learn that they have to EARN their living they are not owed it things will continue to get worse.
1. workers in primary food production are not paid well are not overpaid, but the many intermediates from the farm to consumer skyrocket the prices.
This is just right wing nonsense. The high costs of production now in Greece are caused by overtaxation imposed by the Troika to pay the debts of German and French banks, along with Greek membership of a currency union that was never suited to the greek economy. The euro is overvalued for Greece, while undervalued for Germany. This benefits Germany and damages Greece. It has NOTHING AT ALL to do with the right wing crap about earning a living that you just posted. Try learning something about trading economies, instead of repeating what some other morons have told you.
Strong words but utterly true!
Poor competitiveness for the deficit countries of the Eurozone is built-in as a feature of the architecture of this idiotic currency union. In fact, no matter what Greece does it is impossible to be competitive under the euro and the German Troika: even if you reduce labour wages to zero and feed your workers with thin air, the Troika will demand that taxes in businesses are raised so as to increase the cost of production and render your products uncompetitive. How else would our German “friends” grab the land for free and devoid of any natives?