Saturday , February 15 2025
Home / News / Politics / Czech president Zeman: economic migrants to be deported to “uninhabited Greek islands”

Czech president Zeman: economic migrants to be deported to “uninhabited Greek islands”

Czech president Milos Zeman has proposed that  economic migrants should be deported from Europe to “uninhabited Greek islands” or to “empty places” in North Africa.

The spectacularly incredible president also proposed that the Greek debt should be progressively reduced in return for shouldering the cost of hosting hundreds of thousands economic migrants.

“We are in Greece, and Greece has plenty of uninhabited islands, and big foreign debt. So if you have ‘hotspots’ in Greek islands, this would be a sort of payment of foreign debt,” Zeman told Financial Times in an interview on the islands of Rhodes where he participated in the Rhodes Forum.

“Hot spots”, “uninhabited islands”, “inhabited islands”, “Greek debt” – all stuffed in one bag inside a well-shaken uninhabited and troubled mind  that is a fierce supporter of Grexit.

Zeman did not make any proposal on North Africa’s debt, most likely, because he was unable to identify “empty places” or he is just confident that Africa is a state hiding its fiscal figures…


Greek uninhabited island


Czech uninhabited brain

Milos Zeman, who competes with Hungrary’s Viktor Orban for the title of The Most Xenophobic EU leader, stressed “I am sure there is a close link between the migrants’ wave and the jihadists” and that the “Muslim culture is fundamentally incompatible with the European society.”

PS I have no idea whether Zeman was thinking of the islands and islets in the Aegean Sea that Turkey officially claims and thus for one more time, and whether there has been some contact between Zeman and Erdogan on this issue.

But I hear of many uninhabited Czech villages where the migrants can be deported and Zeman can also save on deportation cost.

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  1. sometimes it’s a good sign to make fun of a bad situation..I hope you keep seeing the
    “funny” site…and also your islands, inhabited or not..

  2. These morons are not even original in their stupidity: this idea of putting refugees on uninhabited islands is copied from Australia, which defies international law and couldn’t give a **** about human rights. That of course is the result of populating a country with deported criminals, which the British did in the 19th century. Instead of paying for prisons, they deported criminals to a supposedly uninhabited island called Australia. I’m not sure if the Czechs and Hungarians have the same genetic excuse as the Ozzies for their behaviour.


  4. Giaourti Giaourtaki

    On some of the islands the Turk-Mongolian Nazis have erection from up to 1500 people live on but may be they need them to house their Mongolian brothers that today call themselves True Finns and True Hungarians that surely get deported if European racism will win – Zeman must be one too, he’s not looking slavic enough.