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Gov’t plans auction protection of first residence for state debtors

The Greek Association of Notaries decided on Tuesday, October 11th, to abstain from property auctions scheduled to take place today, Wednesday.  The notaries ask the political and legal system of the country to take concrete decisions to solve the issue of auctions and especially of the auctions of the first residence.

The presence and participation of notaries during auction processes guarantees the legality of enforcement proceedings and the protection of civil rights.

At the same time, the government is said to consider the freezing of primary residence for debts to the state. The government plans to pass a law that will freeze auctions and evictions until the end of 2017.

The conditions will be similar to those of the banks and tied to specific income criteria. right now there is no protections for state debtors.

The first residence of bank debtors is protected from eviction and auctioning when the objective value of the property is up to €180,000 for married and unmarried debtors, adding €20,000 per child. Income criteria are 13,900 annual income for unmarried, 23,600 for married plus a total of 5,700 for up to three children.

According to Athens News Agency, the government plans to submit the law to the Parliament as soon as possible.

The outcry against auctioning of first residence for debts to the state or the banks is immense especially when the debtors belong to vulnerable groups of the society. A civic movement in Thessaloniki has already blocked twice the bank auction of  the first residence owned by disabled man. Similar protests have been taking place in other Greek cities.

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One comment

  1. The miserable Quislings of a government worry that they may meet their deserved fate sooner than they expect. As a result, they are trying another publicity stint with the houses of the “poor”. Of course their definition of “poor” will only include those about to die, with no income and a house worth less than the paper of the deed itself. All others, i.e. all real people will be excluded from their “protection”. The sad thing is that some people will buy in to this Goebbels-style propaganda.