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A horse in agricultural Greece might have a tough life…

A horse is a horse is a horse … A horse in agricultural Greece may have a real tough life especially in the middle of winter.

A horse tied up in the open snowed field exposed to wind and temperature at -7° Celsius…

The poor horse was spotted in the village of Nestani a municipality in Mantineia, Arcadia in Peloponesse. The village is situated at the foot of the mountain Artemisio, at about 700 m elevation.


The pictures were distributed by eurokinissi photo agency.

To be fair… the horse might have spent the ice-cold night in the barn…

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  1. Doubtful he spent the night in a barn just to be chained up with no food, water, and shelter. That’s a classic example of cognitive dissonance. Poor baby.


  2. Classic case of Greek cruelty to animals. Most people in Greece are inhumane.

  3. Giaourti Giaourtaki

    In other “more civilised” countries many more horses get killed from traffic esp the days around new-years eve and this horse could like it better outside, it looks smart and curious and that it’s smart one can see by choosing the area with the most sun, if it’s getting colder it will run and hopefully it has a few comrades, may be a Lama so that the Lama can teach it how to spit all this slime out, oh wait, the Lama disconnected the tie but this photo is missing