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Greek FM letter to UN chief says Cyprus adviser Eide lobbying for Turkey

Greek foreign minister Nicos Kotzias has written a letter to UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres to complain about “the conduct” of UN Special Adviser Espen Barth Eide, reports said on Sunday.

According to Cypriot newspaper Phileleftheros “the letter bluntly stated” that the UN official was acting to promote the Turkish request for the EU four freedoms to be applied to Turkish citizens in the event of a Cyprus solution. The letter is dated April 7, the newspaper said.

The letter reportedly accuses Eide of lobbying for the Turkish side and instead of acting like a UN mediator, he was undertaking to explain to them how best to formulate their demands to the EU.

Kotzias explained to the UN chief that Turkey and the Turkish Cypriot side were posing obstacles ahead of discussions on key issues such as guarantees and the withdrawal of Turkish troops. The issue of the four freedoms was being framed, not in the interests of a Cyprus solution but was related to Turkey-EU relations, the report said.

Eide, Kotzias added, was exceeding his mandate by acting in favour of the Turkish side.

The letter states that Eide was advising the Turkish side in a legal sense on how it could promote its demands.

The Cyprus Green Party on Sunday responded to the report saying it had many time asked for Eide to be replaced but that President Nicos Anastasiades had “not only tolerated him but in many cases had supported” the UN envoy.

“The letter from Mr Kotzias to the UN Secretary-General leaves the president exposed once again,” the Greens said.

“The ‘Greek foreign minister clearly denounces the special adviser of the United Nations in Cyprus who exceeds his terms of reference and operates in favor of the Turkish side on the issue of the four freedoms. This letter should have been sent long ago by President Anastasiades and not Mr Kotzias.”

DIKO said in a statement that the letter was “fully justified” and that Kotzias confirmed the view of the party that Eide had exceeded his mandate on an number of occasions and had acted as “a bearer and supporter of Turkish positions, both in the European Union and elsewhere”.

“We invite President Anastasiades to take a clear stance on this issue and support the action of the Greek foreign minister,” the party said.( via CyprusMail)

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  1. I fail to see how the UN negotiator outlining the legal options for begotiations is “lobbying”. Probably, Kotzias is not interested to receive advice from the UN whereas the Turkish Cypriots are. Nor do I see why it is any business of Greece, which is a primary cause of the entire Cyprus problem anyway. I advise Kotzias to leave the Cypriots to decide for themselves how to handle the situation.

  2. More Turkish propaganda. You want to negotiate what exactly? How you deserve Cyprus and now also want the hydrocarbons in area. I’ve heard this scenario before… oh that’s right same approach to greece and Syria and Iraq by the Turks. Primary cause of entire Cyprus problem is a illegal invasion of a sovereign nation by turkey. You would nt see why it’s Greeces problem as you are pro Turk and anti Greece. Lets not forget our martyrs solomos solomou and Tassos Isaac.

  3. What I wrote is not Turkish propaganda, cretin. It is support for the UN approach to negotiating the Cyprus problem. I support the Greek Cypriot position, but I do not support incompetent Greek politicians interfering in the negotiations. All of Cyprus’s problems are caused by Greece and Turkey, historically and contemporaneously — and they should not be allowed to forget how much damage they both caused to Cyprus.

  4. It should also not be forgotten, cretin, the amount of damage that has been done to Cyprus by the British.

  5. cretin? you cry about personal attacks on you and threaten to not post anymore, then post a hour later and attack all and sundry.

    You support islamic extremist politicians however, that have a threatening and hostile foreign policy, unheard of in the modern era. Greece is a guarantor,so they can and do have a opinion, just like we are allowed to cretin. The reality is Cyprus was invaded quite simply. There will never be a two state solution because you dont own or are entitled to something because it was once yours and you try to steal it back like a thief in the night. Turkish delusions of the neo ottoman empire are just that, delusions

  6. KTG: there are now 3 personal attacks made on this page alone, against me. Two of them are lying propaganda accusing me of supporting Turkey and islamic politicians. These lunatics are clearly Golden Toilet pieces of excrement.
    What are you going to fo about it? You allow personal attacks against me and then complain if I reply. That has been the story all along, and you apparently did not understand it and started talking about all parties being to blame. This is not the case. Your site has been targeted by Greek Nazi supporters. You need to deal with it.