Greece has refused to take back refugees from Germany, in violation of Dublin regulations, according to a report in Germany’s Passauer Neue Presse. In a response to a parliamentary query submitted by the German Left party, the interior ministry reportedly said Germany had made 2,312 resettlement requests.
Although Athens said it was responsible for 81 cases, Greek authorities have so far not received a single refugee, the ministry was quoted as saying.
According to German authorities a total of 2,735 refugees living in Germany should return to Greece.
The Dublin regulations state that migrants must seek asylum in the European Union member-state they first arrived in.
The German ministry criticized Greece’s refusal saying that the rejection quota is too high reaching 95%. It did not explain why this is happening, that is why Germany accepts refugees from Greece but not the other way around.
Germany reportedly accepted 3,189 refugees in 2017 in the context of family reunification. It was mostly Syrians, Afghans and Iraqis.
Greece requested from Germany the relocation of 5,800 refugees, Berlin meet 90% of the requests, the ministry said.
PS Berlin should better direct its complains to those EU-member states that have refused to accept even a single refugee.
Take them back only if Merkel pays their expenses and upkeep from her personal bank account!