Prime Minister of FYROM, Zoran Zaev, proposed that Greece should open its Constitution so “we can see how Greece is taking care of Greeks outside Greece.” To Greece’s proposal for FYROM’s Constitutional change, Zaev made a counter-proposal with an international treaty instead of a bilateral agreement on the Macedonia name issue.
Any change in the legal system of Macedonia does not mean a lasting guarantee for Greece, because everything that is changing can turn back, Prime Minister Zoran Zaev said on Tuesday, responding to a journalist question about the demands from Athens to change the Constitution as a guarantee for a possible solution to the name dispute.
– It is very important to practice what the whole world knows, and this is the internationally known practice of resolving such disputes and then it remains forever. I am convinced that through such approaches, taking care how important it is for the citizens of Greece and Macedonia, we can find the solution to the dispute we have with Greece, Zaev said after the today’s hearing on the “Bribe” case in the Criminal Court.
Zaev said that no red lines should be placed if a solution is desired.
We must take care of each other in order to preserve the dignity of the two peoples, the two countries and the two nations, and of course preserving what a feeling means, and that is identity. Identity is a feeling and you cannot negotiate it. I believe that in this spirit, we will be careful with the partners with whom we negotiate, and at the same time open the Constitution of Greece and see how they care for the Greeks outside of Greece. I am prepared, the way they care for the Greeks outside Greece, we also take care of the Macedonians outside Macedonia, respectively, Zaev said. via/IBNA
I don’t know how serious and ‘official’ Zaev’s proposals are given the fact that his statements were made after a court hearing. The statement seem a bit of “delirium.” Nevertheless, all Greek media describe Zaev’s Constitution remarks as “Provocation”.