Workers at Athens public transport means as well as at trains TRAINOSE and Proastiakos will hold 24-hour strikes and work stoppages on May 1st 2018. Below the schedule:
Trains & Proastiakos: 24-hour strike. The strike starts at 00:01 May 1st and end 23:59 on the same day
Blue Buses: will operate 9 am to 9 pm. Normal operation to start at 10 am, buses will start to withdraw form traffic as of 8 pm
Trolley buses: 24-hour strike
Urban train ISAP: work stoppage 5 am – 8 am
Metro Line 2 and 3: operate 9 am to 6 pm. No metro to/from Athens Airport due to 24-h strike of Proastiakos. Metro Line 3 will stop at <Doukissis Plakentias> station.
Tram: Will start operation after 6 am but effectively after 7:30 am.
Ferries and ships will remain docked due to the 24-hour strike launched by the Seamen’s Association.