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ND leader Mitsotakis promises €1 billion guaranteed income plan

Leader of Greece’s main opposition party New Democracy has promised a 0ne-billion-euros guaranteed income plane, once his party would come into power.  “Securing economic growth is a key way of reducing poverty and social exclusion,” ND leader Kyriakos Mitsotakis on Wednesday.

Speaking at the Konstantinos Karamanlis Institute of Democracy, Mitsotakis stressed that his party’s program includes the introduction of minimum guaranteed income for 800,000 people at a cost of one billion euros per year and the loosening of criteria for unemployment benefits.

Greek unemployed receive just 365 euros per month and for the time of one year only.

He did not elaborate where the money will come from, as the country will remain under creditors’ supervision also after August when Greece will exit the 3. bailout program.

New Democracy keeps pushing for snap elections, although the government insists to exhaust its four-year mandate and hold elections in autumn 2019.

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  1. Off course …. Empty promises again! Let’s seduce the people just like Erdogan by giving money ( which they don’t have and never will) and buy votes! Next crisis on the way!

  2. oh great, more Free Shit for all and a double helping for the most underserving of course.. party on!
    please can we just get to WW3 , let the nukes fly, and put an end to this circus!