A three-and-a-half year old refugee boy found a tragic death after he fell into the cesspit of the Refugees camp in Thiva, Boeotia, Central Greece, on Monday evening. According to media, the little boy was watching together with his parents other refugees playing football in a small pitch next to the cesspool.
When the match was over and the family left the area, the little boy escaped his parents’ attention and returned to the pitch.
The conditions under which the boy fell into the cesspool remain unclear.
The Fire Service retrieved the body, after a special truck emptied the sewage.
According to lamiareport, the cesspool in the old military camp was fenced.
The parents initially did not want to hand the boy’s body over to authorities for autopsy.
The family are refugees from Iraq.
Investigation is underway to determine whether all safety and protection measures around the cesspool were met.