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Home / News / Politics / Refugees / Germany donates beds, sheets & blankets for 10K refugees in Greece

Germany donates beds, sheets & blankets for 10K refugees in Greece

Germany sent to Athens a total of 55 trucks with winter provisions to help refugees face the winter, German Ambassador to Greece Ernst Reichel has said.

The donation included beds, bed-covers, sheets and blankets for the needs of 10,000 people and is worth 1.56 million euros.

Reichel said the donation follows up on a commitment by German Interior Minister Horst Seehofer, following a visit he made to Athens.

At a joint press conference, Alternate Citizen Protection Minister responsible for migration, George Koumoutsakos said “the collaboration of Greece and Germany brings concrete results, but is not exhausted by today’s action.”

PS beds and bed sheets in tents? No iron? These people need proper housing, best is relocation to other EU countries, like Germany, for example.

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  1. The irony and insult in Germany and the Euro towards Greece should make any Greek there take to the street and express to the whole world their anger and and disbelief. First The European Union with Belgium and Germany leading the way to an onslaught of the Greek economy, to the point, that the people in Greece working for poverty wages.
    Now unloading these Muslims immigrants all over Greece but they want to help them with beds and blankets?
    What happened to the Greeks that once had balls? What happened to our heros? No one is willing to do anything about what is happening in my Mother country anymore.


    • And what are Greeks supposed to do with human beings arriving and asking for help? The fact that the EU is in political crisis over refugee policy does not help Greece; at least the German donations are a small help.
      The real issue is that Greek people show their humanity when the rest of Europe shows its lack of humanity. Take pride in your mother country: this is the last bastion of civilisation, unless ND manages to destroy that one remaining virtue.