The Holy Synod of the Orthodox Church in Greece has decided to take a clear position on abortion; an issue that has triggered uproar among the Greek society in recent weeks. In a statement issued on Tuesday, country’s top clergy stated that “abortion is murder.”
“The Holy Synod took into consideration the issues that have recently arisen on the subject of abortion,” the statement said among others.
“Based on the Holy Bible and the Holy Tradition of the Orthodox Church of Christ the Holy Synod expresses its theological position on the fetus as a complete and integral human being from the moment of the conception and therefore it considers voluntary abortion as a murder and does not accept it,” the statement stressed.
Read also: Anti-Abortion Campaign Athens Metro triggers public outcry
It should be recalled that abortion is legal is Greece since 1986. And there come these unworldly men living in strict celibacy who rule that what is legal in the state laws is illegal in religious terms.
“Murder” is a heavy word and would put some people under a unspeakable pressure.
I wonder the scientific explanation behind the church pushing abortion as murder