For the first time, the European Parliament, by a large majority, voted in favor of the strict imposition of sanctions on Turkey, adopting the amendment tabled by the Greek and Cypriot Delegations, at the initiative of Vangelis Meimarakis, Lefteris Christoforou and Loukas Fourlas.
The result of the vote was 440 votes in favor, 193 against and 53 abstentions.
This is an important decision of the European Parliament, which sends a clear message to the EU leaders, who at the forthcoming Council on December 11 are expected to take decisions against the Turkish provocation.
This amendment, which was supported by the European People’s Party, proves that the voice of the Greek and Cypriot MEPs of the EPP is strong.
From the very beginning, the President of the EPP, Manfred Weber, has sided with Greece and Cyprus, who strongly defended the rules of international law, repeatedly calling for concrete decisions and practical solidarity in the two member states of the EU.
Greek Foreign Minister Nikos Dendias congrautalted the initiators of the vote.
Επικοινώνησα τηλεφωνικά με τον επικεφαλής της ομάδας των Ε/βουλευτών ΝΔ στο ΕΛΚ @v_meimarakis για να τον συγχαρώ. Με δική του πρωτοβουλία & των @LefChristoforou @loucas_fourlas υπήρξε αυτή η σημαντική επιτυχία. Συγχαρητήρια σε όλη την Ελληνική και Κυπριακή Αντιπροσωπεία στο ΕΛΚ.
— Nikos Dendias (@NikosDendias) November 26, 2020