There are significant investment opportunities in several sectors of the Greek tourism market, especially in the improvement and construction of new hotels, establishing specialized forms of tourism and the construction of marinas and theme parks, Tourism Minister Haris Theoharis noted in his address to the online 22nd annual “Capital Link Invest in Greece Forum” last week.
He pointed out that eight investments relating to tourism, amounting to nearly one billion euros, have been approved using fast-track procedures despite the pandemic, while more than 40 new hotels have opened in central Athens in the last year, proving the momentum of the tourism market and how investments can transform the city center.
Theoharis especially highlighted the modernisation of the legislative framework for attracting strategic investments – including the “My Residence-Golden Visa” program – which finally set the stalled investment at the former Hellinikon airport in motion and could potentially attract millions of tourists.
He also referred to the good cooperation between the public and private sector in managing the pandemic, which enabled the successful and safe opening of Greek tourism.
“Now is the time to come and invest in Greece. Greece is changing. Invest because Greece has more than 800,000 hotel beds, direct flights from major international airports to all destinations, and is an all-year tourism destination,” he added.
Minister Thoharus presents a well considered opinion. A significant part of the Greek economy is based on tourism. 2020 has led many hard working wonderful people in Greel travel related fields to be strongly negatively impacted.
As soon as a vaccine is available worldwide Greece will move again into its prominent position. This type of planning will insure Greece will present itself credibly in the world marketplace.