The Athens Medical Association has called anti-vaxxer doctor Faidon Vovolis to the disciplinary board next week. The activist against vaccines is at risk of losing his medical license, media report on Friday.
President of the Association Giorgos Patoulis told cnngreece, “any doctor who creates problems to vaccinations program and to public health issues will pass through the torture of the disciplinary board.
Faidon Vovolis, a cardiologist in Athens, has initiated anti-vaccines protests and called on Greeks to take to the streets “against the health junta imposed by Mitsotakis” via social media beginning of the month . He speaks of “experimental vaccines” and “low coronavirus mortality.”
He has established a political movement “Free Again.”
Just beginning of the week, health state officials called any doctor who opposes the vaccines “charlatans.”
The AMA is to meet on Vovolis’ case upcoming Tuesday or Wednesday.
Shame on you keeptalking,Greece, Mr Vovolis is a well respected doctor.
I don’t like misinformation being spread, Mr Vovolis is neither anti vaxx nor a charlatan, on the contrary he is against a vaccine being compulsory for citizens, especially when pharmaceutical companies will not take any responsibility or guarantee the safety of their drug. Let all be free to choose, let’s not label anyone and stop the cancer of misinformation.
You are blaming the wrong person: it’s not the owner of this blog (who just reports things that happen in Greece) but the Athens Medical Association and the Greek government you should address your anger towards.
Got it!! So freedom of speech (and thought!) is now being criminalised!
It doesn’t matter, if you are pro or con this injection. It doesn’t matter, if you are afraid of this virus or not. The way different opinions are suppressed and people with a different perspective are denounced has to alert all of us in the same way! This is what we haven’t one afraid of!
You can have different opinions but you cannot have different data.
The case fatality rate for COVID-19 is not low. Over the whole population it is more than 10 times that of flu. In some age groups it is very high, over 10 %. That is not low by any measure.
The vaccines are not experimental. All have undergone exactly the same trial regimen that any vaccine has to undergo to obtain approval. The fact that they were able to do that more quickly is due to a whole range of factors but does not in any way mean that they are less safe. On top of the original trials over 4 billion vaccine doses have been administered worldwide with very low levels of serious adverse reactions.
He is being brought before the disciplinary board because he is lying not because he has different opinions.
Of course you can have different data (and different ways to interprete them!): do you really think that the authorities are giving you ALL the relevant data available? Then tomorrow hell would break loose!
And about the rest of your comment: it is obvious that you have only absorbed the information that you LIKE to read and is made available to you by the mainstream media, but you didn’t make any effort to find and read dozens of scientific articles that proof the opposite of what you wrote.
I would like to see the links to the scientific articles that proof the opposite ……
not experimental?
The formal clinical trials run through 2022. Last i checked it’s still 2021. ’emergency use authorization’ does not mean approved. it means that anyone who takes it now is actually participating in the clinical trials.
Thanks for your inputs, folks. My reply to Warwick didn’t make it through censorship…
The virus seems to mutating into a totalitarian dictatorship
The virus seems to be affecting peoples brains. Some now seem to believe what they read on their social media feeds over what experts in their field are telling them. This doctor is a prime example – If I have any questions regarding my heart then he as a cardiologist is the man to ask. I will however not ask him about vaccines as that is not his field of expertise. I guess he is simply confused and his desire to be famous and his own political opinions are clouding his ability to simply be an expert in his own chosen field. Sadly all the lives he has previously saved are now wasted by those who have died due to people listening to his latest ‘opinions’.
As a cardiologist this doctor would be well aware of thrombotic events, one of the moe serious adverse side effects reported for these jabs.
In line with his Hippocratic Oath, maybe he is trying to “do no harm”.
So we are unable to reply to Warwick who’s stats are wonky to say the least I never thought keeptalkinggreece would join this censorship looks like I need to find another website 🙂
I see the discussion in general is freedom of speech and avoid any weird stuff we do now live in a very polarised society and the middle ground looks empty whoever takes the middle ground is someone to watch methinks .
for ‘weird stuff’ you have the much praised freedom of speech, read and movement to check with other websites on the matter.