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Two ND MEPs abstain from EU Parliament vote on same-sex marriage

Two MEPs from ruling New Democracy abstained from a vote on a European Parliament resolution calling for cross-bloc recognition of same-sex marriage.

The draft was approved by 387 MEPs, 161 voted against and 123 abstained.

Anna-Michelle Asimakopoulou was included in the 123 abstentions while Manolis Kefalogiannis did not even participate in the voting, according to information. New Democracy’s rapporteur, Stelios Kympouropoulos, voted in favor of the resolution.

Emmanouil Fragkos, of the far right Elliniki Lysi, voted against, while the MEPs of the Communist Party (KKE) abstained.

The European Conservatives (European People’s Party) allowed for a conscience vote. A total of 99 EPP lawmakers chose to abstain, 53 voted in favor and 20 voted against.

The resolution says that same-sex marriages and partnerships concluded in one EU member state should be recognised in all and that spouses and partners should be treated equally as heterosexual ones.

It also calls on the European Commission to take action against Romania, Hungary and Poland for violating LGBTIQ rights and EU values. [kathimerini]

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  1. For the KKE all people are equal….. except gay people. They show their true colours: red of shame!