Alternate Health Minister Mina Gaga publicly admitted that Greece’s public health care system is not sealed to deal with the fourth wave of the pandemic. She announced that it may soon be necessary to ‘triage’ patients for treatment in Intensive Care Units of public hospitals.
“If the number of coronavirus cases, hospitalizations and intubated patients in the ICUs increases even more, we will soon have to choose whether a patient with coronavirus or a brain stroke will be treated,” Gaga told ANT1 TV on Saturday morning.
She added that there are 1300 ICU beds across the country, with half of them reserved for Covid-patients.
Gaga’s prediction may come much sooner, as forecasting models predict “uncontrollable increase” of virus infections in the next weeks.
According to professor Demosthenes Sarigiannis from Thessaloniki University, the country will reportedly need at least 1,000 ICU beds during the Christmas holidays and the death toll will reach 125 per day.
Professor Nikos Tzanakis from the University of Crete stressed that he expects 9,000 coronavirus infections per day as of next week.
Daily coronavirus infections in Greece have been breaking one record after the other last Saturday, raging between 6,500-7,000 cases.
PS instead of saying what the government will do to protect the society, this Greek government of cynics says what it will not. It’s the ‘very democratic’ shock doctrine….
It has been interesting to read all the “anti-vaxxer” statements as the source of blame for this latest dramatic surge of infections in Greece.
The government must be so pleased as they keep repeating this exact scenario, defiantly claiming they are completely without blame, and watch the masses join them in agreement.
The WHO has raised great concern over Europe once again becoming the epicenter of the pandemic, stating the 2 reasons behind this are low vaccinations in some areas and relaxation of safety measures.
Here in Greece, Oxi Day was a huge festivity with mass gatherings and celebrations across the entire country just over a week ago, without masks and without social distancing.
We now enter into this surprising great surge in infections, which is really no surprise at all… and the Teflon government along with so many who go right along with them, point their fingers solely at unvaccinated citizens.
may be the aluhut wearer are right… may be its not the pandemic of the unvaccinated.. but the pandemic of the escapemutants … as predicted? I dont know I dont want to spread conspiratcy theories
This government has had plenty of time over summer to get their act together with more staff,more equipment,to be ready for what they knew was coming,they got rid of staff right across the board for all emergency services and now they tell us…your on your own Jack,well we say,,,Bravo and Thankyou… to the government for such humane care.
But we humans in the society has a responsibility of our own, hasnt we??? You cant blame the government if you dont protect yourself, can you?? How about thinking before you stand in the middle of a crowd, in these days? We all know this pandemic is far from over, so how about acting like it? Take the vaccin and think before you do something (in these days) foolish!
Everybody is responsible for his own health, you are absolutely right there. But the social pressure put on unvaccinated people, is the very opposite of what you stated. It’s making people feel guilty and cut their freedom for not being „responsible“ for someone else’s health.
If you are as smart as you think you are, try some of your advises on your own.
Im fully vaccinated since 6 months and have lived according to these rules since spring 2020. Not hard at all!!!
What you say about personal responsibility is logical, but not the way society actually functions. What needs to be asked is why there is so much enforcement of vaccination and little to none on safety measures, when they are together the 2 key factors in fighting the pandemic.