Distribution of self-tests free of charge starts today, Monday, in Greece with the aim of a better recording of Covid-19 pandemic in the country and to avoid the spread during the festive season.
Eligible for one free self-test to be obtained at a pharmacy are adult citizens, vaccinated and unvaccinated, who have a social security number AMKA, PAYPAA or PAMKA.
The free self-test kits are available December 6-12, 2021.
Another distribution will be available January 3-7, 2022.
The self-tests can be obtained at the normal working days and hours of the pharmacies and not at on duty hours.
The measure is not mandatory and the tests should have been carried out by Dec 12, the Health Ministry announced.
Greece is in the fourth wave of the pandemic with daily infections over 6,000-7,000 daily, some 70-90 deaths and increased hospital admissions that put immense pressure on the public health care system.
PS It is not clear whether ‘positive’ tests should be registered on an online platform, however, if your test is positive call EODY emergency number for Covid <1135> 24/7.