Ιn Patras and other cities and towns of Peloponnese, businessmen inf the food service sector turned off the light on Wednesday evening and marched with candles through the streets to protest the exorbitant electricity bills. Holding banned reading “Power is killing us” and shouting slogans, they marched with the support of fellow retail businessmen and local residents.
The demanded effective support measures and solutions to the huge problem they face saying that many owners in the sector are threatened with padlock due to the bills they cannot afford to pay.
Cafes, bars and restaurants also turned the lights off in solidarity.
The protest was organized by the local Association of Food and Recreation Businesses in Achaia.
According to local media thebest, the president of the Association told local media that some members who used to pay €800 now have to pay 1,800-1,900 euros. He spoke also of another businessperson who used to pay 3,200 euros and now face a bill reaching €9,000.
“if you take into consideration that due to the winter temperatures and the pandemic measures many facilities operate also energy intensive heaters in their outdoor spaces you can understand the high energy cost the sector faces,” he stressed.
In support and solidarity, the local Retail Stores Association said in a statement that “after 10 years of bailout, austerity and economic crisis, and 2 years of health and economic crisis due to the lockdown and the pandemic, the energy cost strikes another blow the troubling medium-sized business.”
All pivate sectors of the city joined their voices in demanding effective support measures such as big reduction in the Special consumption Levy and taxes on fuel, reduction in Value Added Tax and strengthening the local businesses due to revenue losses as also this year the famous Carnival of Patras is banned due to the coronavirus.