The new floating storage unit (FSU) at the liquefied natural gas (LNG) terminal in Revithoussa, an islet west of Athens, will be operational by the end of August, Environment and Energy Minister Kostas Skrekas said Wednesday.
The new unit will almost double the facility’s storage capacity.
“The new tank is ready to receive the first shipments of liquefied natural gas by the end of August. This will make it possible to ensure our country’s supply of natural gas, a large percentage of which is used for electricity generation, and thus to shield our country in the coming days,” Skrekas said during a visit to the terminal.
“From the very beginning, the Greek government has taken the necessary actions to shield our country in the unfavorable scenario of a cut in natural gas next winter,” he added.
The Revithoussa LNG storage facility is part of a national plan to ensure Greece’s energy supplies in case of a decision to ban Russian gas imports