Greece’s government spokesman, Pavlos Marinakis, left open the options for the tragedy in Libya where three members of the Armed Forces and two civilians were killed in what is attributed to a road accident on Sunday.
“First of all let me express my sorrow for the loss of these five people, the three members of the Armed Forces and two of our fellow citizens. They travelled to Libya to provide help and never returned. Sincere condolences to their families,” he said.
Speaking to Skai TV on Monday, and referring to the circumstances of the fatal road accident, Marinakis said “the first information indicates a tragic car accident. We cannot say this for sure. Beyond that, we cannot say anything for sure. What happened or did not happen; I can’t tell you before the relevant investigation is concluded, before the official answers are given by the responsible authority, the defense ministry.”
He added “what I can tell you is that there will be an immediate investigation into the causes and, of course, the driver, what happened, what is the responsibility that these people did not return to our country after this humanitarian aid they rushed to offer.”
The spokesman’s statements distances the government from both the Defense Ministry and the General Staff and aggravates the problem of information about the real facts of the tragedy in Libya.
Contrary to Defense Minister Nikos Dendias who Monday morning clarified that members of the Greek Armed Forces “lost their lives in the line of duty”, Marinakis argued that they “ran in” to help, as if they were volunteers who moved of their own accord.
According to information, it is a practice in the Armed Forces to order the deployment of medical personnel to short duties, without calling for volunteers.
What is interesting is that the Chief of General Staff uploaded pictures of the mission members with blurred faces.
Οι 🇬🇷 Ένοπλες Δυνάμεις & εκτός συνόρων!
C-130 μετέφερε ανθρωπιστική βοήθεια στην Λιβύη & τον δοκιμαζόμενο λαό της που επλήγη σφοδρά απο την κακοκαιρία "Daniel".
● Γιατροί και εξειδικευμένοι νοσηλευτές πεδίου
● 3 tn υλικών (τρόφιμα, φάρμακα, ένδυση)Μπορούμε….. και…
— GEN Konstantinos Floros (@ChiefHNDGS) September 17, 2023
“The C-130 transferred to Libya doctors and specialized nursing personnel as well as food, clothes and medication.”
God bless them. As if they didn’t have their own problems at home.