A big concession for Merkel’s conservatives, a possible relief for Greece and the euro zone. German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s conservatives CDU/CSU and the Social Democrats (SPD) on Wednesday agreed to a coalition deal, after months of uncertainty. The deal has at least one surprise that has Greeks, first of all, …
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With FDP in German coalition, Greeks could miss old chap Schaeuble
Greece is closely watching the political developments in Germany as the new coalition government that will be formed will have direct impact on the Greek debt and the discussions about its relief expected to begin after conclusion of the bailout program in August 2018. Right after the exit polls on …
Read More »Commission spokesman says Turkey’s actions make EU membership impossible
The actions of the Turkish authorities are making it “impossible” for the country to join the European Union, an EU executive said on Monday, reuters reports. A day earlier both chancellor candidates, Angela Merkel (CDU) and Martin Schulz (SPD) after German Chancellor Angela Merkel also said that turkey’s Eu membership …
Read More »Bitter row between Erdogan and Germany is getting tenser
Turkish President, Recep Tayyip Erdogan has further strained his country’s relationship with Germany by describing the main German political parties as “enemies of Turkey”. Speaking after Friday prayers to his supporters gathered in a mosque in Istanbul, the Turkish President criticised those who he said had an aggressive or disrespectful …
Read More »Tsipras tells Merkel “Game Over!” Background Eurogroup Malta
“Angela, once you called me about my finance minister. Now, I call you about yours.” This is what Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras told German Chancellor Angela Merkel on Wednesday, two days before the Eurogroup meeting in Malta on April 7,2017. It was Tsipras’ phone call to Merkel that unblocked the …
Read More »Greece goes to Eurogroup with ‘low’ to ‘moderate’ expectations
The Greek team goes to Eurogroup with anything but great expectations. The topic “Greece” is third on today’s agenda of the finance ministers of the eurozone. Athens seeks a political solution to the Greek problem and anticipates the meeting between German Chancellor Angela Merkel with the managing director of the …
Read More »Greece debt crisis: Is Merkel pushing Schaeuble aside for a political solution?
Greece’s Finance Minister Euclid Tsakalotos is in Brussels on Friday for a series of previously unscheduled meetings with the heads of the country’s European creditors. Additionally, Tsakalotos is also going to meet with German Chancellor Angela Merkel in the next days, Athens News Agency reported on Friday morning. That the …
Read More »German elections go Greece: Gabriel slams Merkel/Schaeuble on austerity
The elections campaign has officially started in Germany. The Social-Democrats (SPD) with top candidate Martin Schulz challenge the conservative Christian-Democrats (CDU) of Angela Merkel and Wolfgang Schaeuble. While it seemed that the former President of the European Parliament Schulz would have it hard to challenge the Chancellor, the results of …
Read More »Populist Antonio Tajani (Italy) is the new President of the European Parliament
Conservative Italian MEP Antonio Tajani was elected the 29th president of the European Parliament on Tuesday night. He replaces German Socialist Martin Schulz after he beat countryman Gianni Pittella, also a Socialist. Tajani of the European People’s Party, won 351 votes in a fourth and final round of voting. Gianni Pittella, …
Read More »EC Juncker claims: “I spoke with leaders of other planets” (video)
They exist. They live among us. And they are concerned about the European Union. Who? the Extraterrestrials! They proof that all this is true came from the President of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker. During a speech on the 28th of June in the European in Parliament in Brussels, EU …
Read More »EU is furious & sends deadline, as UK hesitates & Scotland threatens to veto Brexit
The European Union is furious about UK’s hesitation to implement the outcome of the Brexit Referendum. One after the other, EU Officials urge the UK to submit its Brexit request as soon as possible. After the historic Brexit decision, the heavy guns of the EU and Germany see themselves under …
Read More »Hopeless case: Tough EU statement on UK as Brexit may spread across Europe
This morning I wrote that I hoped the European Union leader they would get the message sent by the British people. You all know that I am a little romantic and I like to give “second chances”. I was wrong. Or better say : I was so surprised this morning …
Read More »Tsipras rushes to Paris for unscheduled meeting with Hollande
Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras is rushing to Paris to meet French President Francois Hollande. As the meeting was not planned, Greek media wonder whether the urgent trip to Paris has something to do with the break in Greece-Creditors Review Talks and the Government decision to submit two bills to the …
Read More »EU leaders meet in Brussels, volunteers rush with supplies to refugees
The Euro leaders summit (EUCO) in Brussels started at 5 o’ clock Thursday afternoon. One by one the 28 Leaders entered the Summit hall and made statements in front of the press. Based on many of these statement, I can summarize my impressions: neither the 28 will agree with each …
Read More »Golden Dawn MEP expelled from EP Plenary over racist remarks against Turks (video)
Member of far-right Golden Dawn was expelled from the European Parliament on Wednesday, for racist remarks. European Parliament President Martin Schulz excluded GD MEP Eleftherios Synadinos from a plenary session, when the MEP in an unprecedented move used racist remarks against Turkish people. “Turks are like wild dogs,” “dirty and …
Read More »At least 10,000 Refugees stranded in Greece after FYROM closes borders to people without passport/ID
More than 5,000 refugees have been trapped in the ‘neutral zone’ at the borders northern borders of Greece, after FYROM closed its gates to Afghan refugees. The same has reportedly done by Serbia and Croatia. FYROM’s decision has a domino effect, as thousands of refugees arriving from the islands to …
Read More »EU in need of Democracy Reform: Serving the people vs Serving economic interest
I suppose the following article is also an explanation on how the European Union corrupts national politicians – or better say: allows national politicians to corrupt their own citizens in order that the latter support the rotten system in Brussels. How? By using European taxpayers’ money for the famous EU …
Read More »EP sets up working group to scrutinize Greece’s adjustment program
And Greece’s auditors, the Quadriga becomes…Quinquatria. The leaders in the European Parliament have today approved a proposal by the Liberal and Democrat Group to monitor and scrutinize the implementation of macroeconomic adjustment programmes in countries such as Greece. According to a press release, the Parliament’s Economic and Monetary Affairs Committee …
Read More »PM Tsipras & EU dignitaries wave Goodbye to 30 refugees heading for Luxembourg
The dignitaries who arrived at the airport early in the morning to wave Goodbye were almost as much as the passengers. Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras, European Parliament President Martin Schulz, EU Commissioner for Migration Dimitris Avramopoulos, Foreign Minister of Luxembourg Jean Asselborn, Greek Minister for Migration Yannis Mousalas. If one …
Read More »6 Children drowned off Samos – Tsipras to visit Turkey to discuss Refugee Crisis
Sunday morning, 6:30 am: a plastic dingy struggles against the waves while the wind is blowing with intensity of 7 Beaufort. 50 people on board are in panic. Twenty meters away from the shore of Galazio on the island of Samos, the boat capsizes. Men, women and children fall into …
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