From a depth of 580 meters, teams of the Greek Air Force recovered important parts of a Mirage 2000 that crashed into the sea area between the islands of Skopelos and Euboea. The Mirage 2000 crashed into the sea on May 29 2017. The 28-year-old pilot was rescued with a …
Read More »Search Results for: train
“The Holocaust Museum will safeguard the historic memory of pain,” says PM Tsipras
The foundation of the Holocaust Museum will contribute to preserve the commemoration of the Holocaust, prime Minister Alexis Tsipras said on Thuersday as he unveiled a plaque for the Museum together Israeli counterpart Benjamin Netanyahu. The prime minister noted that “the establishment of the Museum aims to safeguard and hand …
Read More »IMD Competitiveness report 2017: Greece ranks 57th among 63 countries
How can Greece be competitive when the taxation system changes once a year, liquidity is a rarity, capital controls tie the hands of entrepreneurs and investors and the tedious negotiations with international creditors undermines the atmosphere in the Greek economy? The answer is simple: it can’t. In the Swiss-based International …
Read More »Greeks are the heaviest smokers within the European Union, survey finds
Greeks are the heaviest smokers in the European Union, a survey found. The survey results were published by the European Commission for World No Tobacco Day. Thirty-seven percent of Greeks are smokers, according to the report, which also showed that Greece had the smallest proportion of people, 44 percent, who …
Read More »Greek anarchists fight next to Syrian Kurds against the ISIS in Rojava
Greek anarchists fight against jihadists in north Syria together with local Kurdish forces. They reportedly operate in the region of Rojava, a de facto ‘autonomous region’ in Northern Syria, that is also known as Syrian Kurdistan or Western Kurdistan. The Greek anarchist call Rojava an “anarchist land.” According to a …
Read More »Schaeuble, IMF close to compromise that will delay decisions on Greece debt relief
German finance minister Wolfgang Schaeuble and the International Monetary Fund have reportedly found a solution to the Greek debt relief problem. The solution can be described in one single word: DELAY. According to German Handelsblatt, several unnamed sources said that Berlin and the IMF are very close to a solution …
Read More »US Congressman Barr urges IMF to disengage from the Greek program
Congressman Andy Barr, chairman of Monetary Policy and Trade Subcommittee in the US Congress urged the International Monetary Fund to disengage from the Greek program. The United States are the biggest contributor to the IMF. The Monetary Policy and Trade Subcommittee held a hearing on Thursday May 18 2017 to …
Read More »Police fires teargas at rioters during anti-austerity protest on general strike day
Police fired teargas at rioters during the big anti-austerity protest in downtown Athens on Wednesday. Thousands joined the unions rally on the day of the general strike. People wearing hoods started to throw stones at riot police squads when the big rally of unions and political parties reached the building …
Read More »Commission to register Citizens’ Initiative to ‘reduce wage and economic differences within EU’
First of all, a warning! A warning about the comprehension of the European Commission press release and of the initiative of the European Citizens’ Initiative entitled “Let us reduce the wage and economic differences that tear the EU apart.” Commission Press release Commission registers European Citizens’ Initiative entitled ‘Let us …
Read More »Greeks protest new austerity with general strike, Public Transport schedule 16-18 May/2017
Greeks protest the new austerity package of 4.9billion euros measures with a 24-hour general strike. Public and private sector unions ADEDY and GESEE have called to action that will paralyze Greece on May 17 2017, one day before government lawmakers will vote in favor of the measures. Public and municipality …
Read More »Monster Midterm Plan 2018-2021 in Greek Parliament, austerity €4.9billion
The omnibus bill and midterm plan for 2018-2021 has been submitted to the Greek Parliament. The relevant parliamentary committees are to examine 941 pages containing measures for fiscal targets and so-called reforms, the mid-term fiscal strategy framework and other provisions, before the plenary will vote it on Thursday, May 18 …
Read More »IMF warns no Greek deal without a ‘credible strategy on debt sustainability’
The International Monetary Fund’s discussions on Greece’s debt are ongoing and no deal has been reached, IMF spokesman William Murray said on Thursday. At the same time, Murray warned that there will be no Greek deal without a credible strategy on the Greek debt and that the Fund will not …
Read More »Germany says Greece to use Gold, real estate as collateral if IMF out of program
The Bavarian Minister of Finance, Markus Soeder (CSU), a fierce Grexit supporter of Merkel’s CDU sister party apparently has moved away from his demand for a Greek euro exit. During a visit to Athens, Soeder said that the problems around Britain’s exit from the EU showed how difficult a Grexit …
Read More »EU and Frontex spend millions for migrants deportations, when the money…
The EU is spending millions forcibly sending people back to their home countries, when the money could be spent more constructively. According to a probe conducted by Brussels-based European news media outlet EUobserver, the cost of sending people back home can skyrocket to up 90,000 euros for one single case. …
Read More »Greek court blocks Ankara’s new extradition request for 3 Turkish soldiers soldiers
A Greek court on Wednesday blocked a second request by Turkey for the extradition of Turkish soldiers who fled to Greece in July after a failed coup attempt, court officials said, potentially increasing tensions between the traditional foes. The ruling applied to three of eight soldiers who fled. Extradition of …
Read More »Schaeuble sees no Greek deal before primary surplus dispute with IMF solved
Deal or half deal? Success or partial success? The Greek government reported of a deal with creditors on Thursday morning, of a preliminary technical deal and stressed that negotiations on debt relief could start. A few hours later, the German finance ministry forced Greeks back to earth, to an emergency …
Read More »Will EU and German support convince French euroskeptics to vote for Macron?
Ex banker, ex socialist and political outsider Emmanuel Macron won the first round of presidential elections in France on Sunday. French elections results have been perceived with a sign of relief in the European Union. A fine day for Europe and Greece, where creditors are expected to return to Athens …
Read More »Only 1:10 unemployed Greeks receives unemployment allowance of €360
Only one in ten unemployed Greeks receives the unemployment allowance of 360 euro per month. Each unemployed remains out of the labor market for more than two and a half years. At the same time, 350,000 families have no working member. The latest data released by Greek Labor Agency (OAED) …
Read More »Greece’s €3bn loan to boost employment has to wait, says World Bank
The efforts of the Greek government to boost employment through a loan from the World Bank must be put on hold. And there are two reasons for this, reasons that have directly to do with the World Bank. According to exclusive information of daily Naftemporiki, a standing and inexorable condition before …
Read More »EU Commission unfreezes ERASMUS program for Greece
The European Commission on Thursday gave a green light for the resumption of financing and the signing of contracts for the Erasmus+ youth programme in Greece, the education ministry announced. The programme for Greece had been frozen since 2014, when it was temporarily suspended over fears that the Greek service …
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