Hundreds of firefighters have been fighting all through the summer against the wildfires across Greece. Every summer the same story. They spend exhausting hours and even days inside the fire fronts that burn down hundreds of thousands of acres every year. They do more than just their best to prevent …
Read More »Search Results for: elections
Israeli court hands Jewish settlers property of Greek Orthodox Patriarchate in Jerusalem
An Israeli military court ruled on August 1st that settler groups have the right to seize two hotels and a large building in the Old City of Jerusalem which belongs to the Greek Orthodox Patriarchate. The hotels and the building provide the façade of the area that embraces the monasteries, …
Read More »Varoufakis claims Tsipras was about to accept Schaeuble’s temporary Grexit Plan
Yanis Varoufakis keeps up with the good work and his revelations about the crucial negotiations with the European lenders in the first half of 2015. In an interview with Sunday newspaper Proto Thema, the former finance minister revealed that Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras was considering the accept Schaeuble’s plan about …
Read More »“We are planning the next day for Greece,” says PM Tsipras
The summer of 2017 will be calmer but this was not a time for complacence, Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras said on Wednesday in an televised interview with Greece’s Alpha channel, one day after Greece’s successfully ventured forth to tap the markets. “We took an important step, which marks the beginning …
Read More »Popular claims ‘German taxpayers bailout Greece’ are false and political verbiage
Germany fails to honor its part of the Greek bailout deal, the popular claim that German taxpayers are bailing out Greece are clearly false and just political verbiage. This is the essence of a post written by economics Professor Bill Mitchell of Australia. In his blog post, Mitchell deals with …
Read More »Schaeuble says “Greece is on a good path,” reveals SPD had agreed on Grexit
“Greece has implemented many reforms and is on a good path,” German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble said on Monday in an interview with Bild newspaper. The most dramatic moment over the last four years was the dispute over the program for Greece in the summer of 2015 when the country …
Read More »“I had agreed with Russia to give cash that would help with Grexit,” claims ex Syriza Minister
Panagiotis Lafazanis, energy minister in the first SYRIZA government, claimed he had agreed with Moscow in 2015 that Russia would make a down-payment for a gas pipeline so that the money could be used to finance rexit if the country would decide to leave the euro zone. Lafazanis told Vima …
Read More »Municipality workers to continue garbage strike until June 29, at least
After a two-hour meeting, the broad of the Municipality Workers’ Union POE-OTA announced that it will continue the garbage strike until Thursday, June 29th 2017. And this despite temperatures reaching 37 degrees Celsius and the upcoming heat wave that will strike Greece as of Thursday. The Union rejected proposal put …
Read More »Dutch far-right Wilders: Greeks spend their money on souvlaki and ouzo
This is one of the glorious moments of bottomless populism and the absolute absence of culture and knowledge of culture. I am writing this not because I feel offended reading that a far-right Dutch populist claims Greeks spend the money on souvlaki and ouzo. His compatriot, the so-called social-democrat Jeroen …
Read More »Victim of bureaucracy: Greek has been trying for 14 years to prove he is not dead
Giannis Dimantis has been living in an incredible bureaucratic adventure. For whole 14 years, he has been trying to prove that he is not dead. In vain. Greek bureaucracy is holding him firm in its hands. Diamantis’ adventure began 14 years ago when he went the municipality of Egaleo where …
Read More »Greece: 5 program reviews and non-stop ‘commitment checks’ until Aug 2018
The Eurgroup meeting last Thursday opened a long and winding road for the successful conclusion of the Greek program. “The exit from the memoranda in August 2018” as the Greek government calls it. The next 14 months will push Greece into a marathon race with several hurdles where the government …
Read More »Poland FM Waszczykowski: Greece is Germany’s ‘de facto colony’
“Poor Alexis Tsipras”, “Greece’s debt relief is hostage to Berlin’s elections politics”, “Greece is Germany’s de facto colony.” Based on an interview with Polish Foreign Minister Witold Waszczykowski, where he explains why Poland does not want to join the Eurozone, Politico EU writes, among others: From the beginning of the …
Read More »Lagarde gives Schaeuble time to delay Greek debt relief decisions until 2018
Managing director of the International Monetary Fund, Christine Lagarde, paved the way for a potential compromise at the next Eurogroup meeting on the Greek debt crisis. In an exclusive interview with German economic newspaper Handelsblatt, she said the IMF is willing to participate in a Greek bailout and give European …
Read More »Europeans claim to work on a Plan B for Greece without IMF participation
Europeans reportedly work on a Plan B for Greece. Who are exactly these “Europeans” I cannot tell you. The “European” creditors incl German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble? The “Europeans” of the European Commission and Commissioner Pierre Moscovici? Some other “Europeans” who have a saying but stay behind the stage? It …
Read More »Angry Greek Shipowners expose real motive behind Schaeuble’s taxation criticism
German finance minister Wolfgang Schaeuble attacked on Thursday prime minister Alexis Tsipras for “not having taxed Greece’s powerful shipowners as he had promised.” Schaeuble’s statement seemed a bit weird and out of the blue because Tsipras had made many promises before the elections and was able to fulfill none of …
Read More »Why Schaeuble insists Greece needs to have 3.5% primary surplus
German finance minister Wolfgang Schaueble has once again criticized the International Monetary Fund in the debt debate with the European creditors about Greece. Should the pessimistic growth assumptions of the Fund come true, all aid programs for Athens were in vain, he said at an event in Berlin on Tuesday. …
Read More »Albania discovers “grey zones” in the Ionian Sea as Greece exploits hydrocarbon
Albania has discovered “grey zones” in the Ionian Sea and claims Greece needs to ask permission from Tirana in order to conduct hydrocarbon exploitation. Following the tactics of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Albanian prime minister Edi Rama tears bilateral Treaties apart and challenges the Greek sovereignty in the Ionian …
Read More »Conservative ex Greek Prime Minister Konstantinos Mitsotakis dies at 98
Former Greek Prime Minister Konstantinos Mitsotakis dies at the age of 98. He was one of the most prominent politicians in the country for decades. He is father of New Democracy leader Kyriakos Mitsotakis and of MP Dora Bakoyianni, a former Foreign Minister and Athens mayor and grandfather of young …
Read More »German MP Troost: Schaeuble is not the Prime Minister of Greece
Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble is not the Prime Minister of Greece and he has to accept this. Greek people must be able to take their destiny in their own hands through their parliament and government. This is what German MP Axel Troost (DIE LINKE) wrote in a press release ahead …
Read More »Schaeuble, IMF close to compromise that will delay decisions on Greece debt relief
German finance minister Wolfgang Schaeuble and the International Monetary Fund have reportedly found a solution to the Greek debt relief problem. The solution can be described in one single word: DELAY. According to German Handelsblatt, several unnamed sources said that Berlin and the IMF are very close to a solution …
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