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Turkey continues its lunatic rhetoric and accusations against Greece

Turkish Defense Minister Hulusi Akar said on Tuesday that Greece continues with its “provocative actions”, despite Turkey’s efforts to ease tensions. He accused Greece for “two-faced” diplomacy, for “deceit and hypocrisy,”Turkish state-run news agency anadolu reported..

“Despite all our well-intentioned efforts, unfortunately, our neighbor Greece continues to increase the tension with some provocative actions and rhetoric every time. We do our best to prevent this,” Akar told reporters in the capital Ankara on Monday.

His remarks came after two Greek Coast Guard boats on Saturday opened fire in the air against a ro-ro ship with Comoran flag 11 miles off Türkiye’s northwestern Bozcaada island.

Comoros-flagged “Anatolian” ship with 18 crew — six Egyptian, four Somali, five Azerbaijani, and three Turkish nationals — was attacked while sailing in international waters.

“Right after this (incident), the politicians in Greece accused Türkiye of aggression. What is this, if not hypocrisy? That’s why we ask that don’t they have a mirror in their house? If they look in the mirror, they will see the truth, and maybe they will be ashamed,” Akar said.

What Akar did not say it that the ship, the former famous vessel Mavi Marmara, was moving without a specific plan, it did not respond to the calls of the Greek Coast Guard and it moved towards the Turkish coast, while the Greeks informed and warned the Turks accordingly.

However, it is not only Akar who fills up the brain of nationalist “spirit” in his country with whatever claims and lies come sin his mind.

Turkish Parliament Speaker Mustafa Sentop described on Tuesday Greece as “a national threat.”

“It is unacceptable for Greece to want to transform the Aegean Sea into a Greek lake,” Sentop said to his counterpart from Malta..

“The rhetoric and provocative actions of our neighbor Greece have now become a threat to the nation of Turkey,”the Speaker said, among others.

PS and  this “others” is too dumb to translate it or even copy paste it.

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  1. Anything to distract the locals from Turkey’s domestic chaos. Erdogan is a “wannabe” Putin/Xi/Hitler with his screaming chorus line of “jacks in the boxes”

  2. Erdogan is a dishonest and uneducated dictator that was narrowly elected by a rural uneducated nationalistic audience who are responsible for Turkey’s woes.

    His breathtakingly insane accusations does not fool the international community like his closed media further destroys public perception and future prospects.

    Tough talking liars and embezzling autocrats like Putin, Erdogan, and Trump only destroy their nations as their public increasingly suffers. A marginalized public that must become increasingly sensitive to who they elect if they are to survive let alone prosper. Erdogan and his goons need to go.