Greek prime minister Lucas Papademos announced that elections will take place on May 6th and warned Greeks of tough time still to come. In a televised address to the nation Papademos said that “Greece is in the middle of a difficult path.” Papademos said that his government had completed its work and counted the achievements of his government: Second bailout, PSI, “the country has been saved” etc.
He stressed that that the ‘exit from the crisis cannot be so painless”.
He recommended calmness and restraint in the pre-elections campaign time.
Although the ex-banker does not candidate for the elections he used the chance to intervene in the process saying “The choices we make will not only determine which government will be formed after the election but Greece’s course in decades to come.”
Public opinion polls show that elections will make it impossible for any party to form a majority government. Austerity-tired Greeks seem to turn their back to the two big parties, socialist PASOK and conservative Nea Dimokratia, that have ruled the country after the colonels’ dictatorship in 1974.
Reuters commented that the early elections “may produce no clear winner and threaten implementation of the international bailout plan that saved the nation from bankruptcy.”
The uncertain outcome is a real nightmare for Greece’s lenders but a challenge for Greek voters who are fed up with Troika imposed programmes, strict austerity, and to see the same politicians again and again.
Sad, that the short elections campaign does not give many opportunities to young politicians’ blood or new parties to make themselves known to the voters.
Lucas Papademos bids farewell exactly five months after he was appointed Prime Minister of Greece on November 11th 2011.
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