Protesting Muslims clashed with Greek riot police on Sunday afternoon, when the latter tried to prohibit them from marching to the US Embassy through the streets of downtown Athens. Some 600 Muslims had gathered at Omonia Square at 3 p.m. to protest the film “The Innocence of Muslims”. They wanted to rally outside the US embassy. However the police had orders to prohibit them from nearing the US embassy.
Riot police fired tear gas against the protesters. The Muslims started to break pavement stones in order to attack the police, while they also caused damages to shops of the area. For the first time, Greek police moved also a water canon to dissolve a protest.
Video: Protesting Muslims clash with riot police
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In a moment of “ceasefire” the protesters went down on their knees and started to pray.
When the afternoon ritual was over, the protesters started again to throw stones at the police, while they damaged again some shops windows and set fire in some garbage bins. Riot police answered again with tear gas.
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At the end of the protest and clashes that lasted about 3.5 hours the police had detained 40 protesters.
Also Muslim prisoners joined the protests and set mattresses and clothes on fire in their cells at Korydallos prison in Athens.
more pictures and video:
The demand for respect for their prophet and their totalitarian ideology is nothing less than an attempt to superimpose Sharia Law on non-islamic countries.
editing has been more than essential here…
Maybe a little knowledge on what he’s talking about would not go amiss either…
I was referring to some adjective I simply DELETED lol
Editing is perfectly allright 😉
In the free and democratic societies the right to freedom of speech and expression is respected and protected by their constitutions. Some people are expressing questionable, provocative and even offensive views about Islam and the Prophet Muhammad. But it doesn’t mean that a fatwa of death should be issued against them and have a $100,000 bounty on their heads. People offended and outraged by the views of some people, have every right to demonstrate and express their discontent peacefully. Muslim leaders in Greece should condemn the fanatics hijacking their religion, exhibiting a mob mentality & intolerance, misdirecting their anger and engaging in criminal activities.
“… the fanatics hijacking their religion …”
If you read the Qu’ran, the Hadiths, the Sunna or the Sira of the Prophet, you’ll realize that those ‘fanatics’ are the true followers of Islam.
To understand those scriptures, you need to pay close attention to verse 2:106 in the Qu’ran – the ‘verse of abrogation’ – because of the many contradictions in the Qu’ran.
As Ibn Warraq so wisely has stated: “There are moderate muslims, but there is no moderate Islam.”
for once I agree with you.
This is actually what the Muslim leaders in Belgium (Antwerp more specifically) did. Not only did they publicly condemn the mindless rioting and violence, the local Imam actually pulled about 200 of them up in full public and berated them for THEIR anti-Islam behaviour.
It must also be said that the Pakistani government immediately distanced itself from the idiot who decided to stoke the fire a bit more with his offer for a bounty. These are the people who give Islam and Muslims in general a bad name, and these are the people who should be targeted by both Muslim and non-Muslim for what they are, trouble makers with an agenda that has nothing to do with Islam or religion in general.
It is meanwhile also very clear that the offending (and offensive!) film was made with the exact intention of triggering what it did trigger. That is not using freedom of speech, it’s abusing the principle.
The proper use of “Freedom of Speech”, in any society, is the wisdom to know when to shut up…
What is more alarming to me is that some idiot American can make a stupid video that no one normally would ever view or care about. And this has become a world-wide story and people have died. Does this mean that any blog comment in the future could incite hatred worldwide or any dissent or disagreement on a religion (any religion) that gets the attention of some inciting media could cause this type of dangerous reaction?
You are so right. Insulting millions of people from a position of complete ignorance of their culture thinking, the how and why of it, is so very wrong. Basing and spreading the insults on deliberately spread lies and misrepresentations is criminal.
The same observation goes for extremist at the other end of the spectrum, Jihadists and the likes.
Trying to counteract this idiocy with the idiocy of blasphemy is as wrong, and as criminal.
Both extremes are an expression of complete disrespect for the basic intellect fellow humans, and a direct result of the wrong interpretation of “Freedom of Speech”. As said before, Freedom of speech is the principle. The true wisdom in Freedom of Speech is knowing when not to speak.
At this very moment, the US government has admitted that not only was the movie made and intended as an insult to millions, with the specific purpose of achieving what it achieved, the “marketing”effort behind it was also manipulated to the full, and as we can all see, to great effect.
Have you ever heard of another religous group other than the mohammed lovers that behave like them ? i could not recall any.
Inquisition? Crusades? Orangists? Westboro Baptist Church? Manmasi National Christian Army? National Liberation Front of Tripura ? Anders Behring Breivik (calls himself a “christian crusader”)? Ku Klux Klan?
Army of God ? Lambs of Christ? Hutaree?…
It sounds like you are misinformed, perhaps you do not understand Christianity or do not like it because you are Muslim yourself? Please know that Christians today are not characterized by insane individuals like Anders Behring Breivik!
However, it is a fact that Christians are being PERSECUTED in their own lands (with even their churches burned) in places like Iraq and Egypt–Christians called Chaldeans and Copts, who go back a long time in their native countries…yet, no one says anything about this terrible situation..
NO Christian groups around the world start rioting like animals in the streets because of their anger on behalf of their fellow believers.
Muslims seem to have an inferiority complex, perhaps because they want to be IN CHARGE and have everyone else (in other words, Jews and Christians) be dhimmis like in the Ottoman Empire?
The low budget ‘movie’ (a very poorly made film actually) was an insult to Christians as well! The person who did it has his own issues, so really, Muslim rioters must find the ‘peace’ they wish upon each other in their own souls and get a life.
True peace does not riot. Most *real* Christians would never blaspheme the prophet of another faith, but if one idiot does, that is reason to riot all around the world??? Something is very much amiss, I think.
May their peace on earth, and one faith does not have to ‘trump’, dominate, or convert the other…
One man’s sanity is another’s insanity, of which any religious belief system is the final proof. All religious systems are based on perfectly valid, enlightening philosophies, and invariable abuse those same philosophies for to not so very religious purpose of total power.
Please read through your own comment again. None of this has to do with religion, it has to do with POWER, worldly power. As for the “no Christians rioting like animals” (animals don’t riot by the way), it is not a very Christian-like attitude to use derogatory terms like this about fellow human beings, is it? Or is it ok to do so if they are non-christians?
Both the “Lambs of God” and the “Army of Christians” have been linked by the US government to several terrorist activities in the USA, the Manmasi National Christian Army is responsible for the execution of many “non-Christians” because they were non-Christians, ditto for the National Liberation Front of Tripura. How many people lost their lives to the Ku Klux Klan in the name of pure Christian, white supremacy (a pure Christian cannot be anything but white according to them, despite their role-model being anything but…)
Adherence to any religious belief system is a guaranteed ticket to acquiring an inferiority complex. Religion is designed and used to oppress people on levels politics can’t reach. Muslims are no exception to that, neither are Christians. It’s the irrational need to impose ones belief system (officially called “converting people”) on others, thus turning the inherent inferiority complex into a much more dangerous acquired superiority complex, that causes all the trouble, from both sides, inflicted on each other.
One idiot is indeed enough to set of an intended string of events, for purposes we can at the moment only guess at. Eventually, history will shed some light on those reasons for future generations to maybe learn from. If past experience of learning from history is anything to go by, don’t hold your breath…
He was an ethnic Egyptian.
But he was a criminall-and a criminall do all for money.The Islamic states have a plan-they wanted in 10 years to make critic about their religion a criminal act(all over the world) and the 10 years are coming to an end.So the muslims states need some violence.
The Islamic states have a plan-they wanted in 10 years to make critic about their religion a criminal act(all over the world
Could you provide some proper proof for this statement?
Also, IF this is indeed the case, what makes it so different form others?
Greek Blasphemy Laws:
Article 198 – Malicious Blasphemy
1. One who publicly and maliciously and by any means swears blasphemes God shall be punished by imprisonment for not more than two years.
2. Except for cases under paragraph 1, one who by blasphemy publicly manifests a lack of respect for the divinity, shall be punished by jailing for not more that six months or by pecuniary penalty of not more than 3,000 euros.
Article 199 – Blasphemy Concerning Religions
One who publicly and maliciously and by any means blasphemes the Eastern Orthodox Church of Christ or any other religion tolerated in Greece shall be punished by imprisonment for not more than two years.
IT already is a criminal offense in Greece, punishable with some serious jail time…
Irish Blasphemy Law
Defamation Act of 2009
36.—(1) A person who publishes or utters blasphemous matter
shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable upon conviction on
indictment to a fine not exceeding 25,000 euros.
(2) For the purposes of this section, a person publishes or utters
blasphemous matter if—
(a) he or she publishes or utters matter that is grossly abusive
or insulting in relation to matters held sacred by any
religion, thereby causing outrage among a substantial
number of the adherents of that religion, and
(b) he or she intends, by the publication or utterance of the
matter concerned, to cause such outrage.
(3) It shall be a defence to proceedings for an offence under this
section for the defendant to prove that a reasonable person would
find genuine literary, artistic, political, scientific, or academic value
in the matter to which the offence relates.
(4) In this section “religion” does not include an organisation or
(a) the principal object of which is the making of profit, or
(b) that employs oppressive psychological manipulation—
(i) of its followers, or
(ii) for the purpose of gaining new followers.
I might add that ALL blasphemy laws (many countries have them, most don’t enforce them) are in direct opposition to the UN charter of freedom