The new austerity package of 11.5 billion euro is “unjust” and it won’t not effective. This is opinion of the majority of Greeks (90.6%) according to a public opinion survey conducted by MPB for the newspaper Real News.
90.6% of the respondents consider the additional austerity measures as unjust as they will burden more the weak parts of the society.
83.4% believe that they will me additional austerity measures in the next years.
65.2% consider as not likely a Greece’s exit form the euro
49.8% consider as very likely the possibility the country goes bankrupt
66.7% believes the country has to stay in the euro however with another economic policy than this of the Memorandum of Understanding.
17.7 % say yes to euro with the MoU – 10.5% want Euro exit
85.8% of the respondents declare they are pessimistic about the situation of the country.
48.7% disagree with the government policy on illegal immigration, 44.5% agree.
69.5% disagree with Chysi Avgi (Golden dawn) approach and activities towards immigrants.
The survey was conducted between September 18-20, 2012 among 1,003 people.
For the people who dont consider a Greek bankruptcy likely: Talks in Greece over the next tranche of loans are now on hold until after the US election. With a Greek goverment already out of cash to pay the bills this wont help.
officialy this Reuters claim (EU sources) has been dismissed.
85.8% of the respondents declare they are pessimistic about the situation of the country.
Does that mean that 14.2% think we’re having a good time???
yes, there are still people who have a real good time lol
More worrying is the 69.5% who disagree with GD. What about the other 30.5%? Do they agree, or do they don’t care either way?
Iwll post the rest tomorrow.
Some people play games, other people suffer…
How much longer are the “other people” going to take this?