Finance Minister Yiannis Stournaras found a new way to make laws. By sending letters. Monday night, he sent letter to management of Public Power Company (DEH) asking the company to continue collecting the emergency property tax. Furthermore, the Finance Ministry will appeal to Supreme Court against the decision of First Instance Court in Athens that recently ruled, it was illegal for DEH to collect the property levy.
With his letter to DEH,, Stournaras enforces the Greek PPC to issue electricity bills including the property levy, even before the country’s judiciary power takes a final decision on the issue.
Practically, Stournaras’ letter means that consumers will continue to pay the emergency property tax via DEH bills and risk to have electricity being cut as the levy skyrockets the bills especially for households suffering from wages and pensions cuts and unemployment. Not to mention that DEH plans 25% hikes for 2013.
Last winter the Supreme Court had ruled that it was not against the Constitution to collect the emergency property tax, however under the condition that it was only for two years. Moreover, the SC had ruled that it was against the constitution to cut electricity to those who hadn’t paid the property levy.
PPC sources told Greek media, that the decision of First Instance Court was immediately to be implemented with the effect that consumers can file lawsuits against the company.
“Logically, the PPC should await for the Supreme Court decision.” (state broadcaster NET TV, 12:00 o’clock news)
There is no logic in this Greek state anymore. Yiannis Stournaras, a non-elected Finance Minister is above laws, he makes his own laws, violating courts decisions and overriding the parliament of this country.
We bow with grace to His Majesty the non-elected, super-powers minister of Greek finances for his creativity to make laws through simple letters.
The man thinks he is Greece’s stalin!
The physical coldness of winter seems not as harsh as cold-blood/unconscience of some human beings.