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Home / News / Politics / Tsipras to meet with Merkel, Holland and Juncker at EU Leaders Summit, May 21-22/2015

Tsipras to meet with Merkel, Holland and Juncker at EU Leaders Summit, May 21-22/2015

Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras is reportedly preparing a list of appointments with EU Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker, German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Francois Hollande in order to enable a political decision on Greek debt problem. It is not clear whether there would be a round table meeting with Tsipras & Co at the sideline of the EU Leaders Summit scheduled to take place on  May 21-22/2015 in Riga, Latvia.

tsipras mini euco Round table meeting with Tsipras & Co on March 20, 2015

The Greek government hopes to persuade creditors and EU-partners to reach a political decision on the Greek debt problem, so that a deal would be possible on the extraordinary Eurogroup meeting scheduled right after the Leaders Summit.

According to Greek media, the government would have to have the Eurogrooup meeting on May 22nd, while the creditors and partners would prefer it on May 25th due to the usual EU- and EZ-tradition: to increase pressure and blackmail to Greece considering that the debt-ridden country would have run out of cash to pay wages and pensions by the end of the month.

PS as we often said here before: it’s all about political ideologies and power struggle and it has little to do with financing and monetary issues.

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  1. Professor Pelotard

    Politics and power – absolutely! If it had been about financing and monetary issues there would never have been a European Monetary Union.

    However, it looks like the power struggle may be won by the “outers” and Greece will not receiving anything else but a severance package:


  2. When is Tsipras going to realise that these people want his head on a platter and have absolutely no intention of doing anything that may remotely seem like helping the Greek government coming to grips with the situation? Surely he’s not blind? What is the problem in giving the two-finger salute and walking away from bad news getting worse?

  3. The Greek government hopes on a political solution – in order to overcome tedious obstacles like contracts, agreements, laws, logic, financial mathematics and creditor nation’s taxpayer will.

    But there will not be a politcal solution, because the politicians do not have the mandate for pouring even more billions into a bottomless pit.

    What the Greek voter (and especially Syriza) has not understood: the European elite (Merkel, Schäuble and all the others that were personally insulted by them) tried their best to keep Greece in the Euro and in the EU and even secured corresponding voting in the parliaments, throwing in all their weight. – But this was, is and always will be against the majority of the voters, who rather would keep the money in their own country.

    The agressive tone, the idiotic Syriza negotiations tactics, all the game theory shit and bluffing led to a sentiment, which can be best described with: enough is enough – they are not trustworthy, so kick them out.

    ELA will be cut, capital controls introduced and this violates European law. Enter the hedge-funds. Then Greece will issue IOUs until they finally implement a new currency. – This ensures Greek stagnation for decades.

    Curious to see how the Greek voter will judge the Syriza performance then and what will stand in the history books.

    My predicition: “Yet another failed state for generations due to yet another socialist experiment that went sour”.

    • keeptalkinggreece

      I already mentioned : ideological differences and power struggle, No?

    • Giaourti Giaourtaki

      Looks like the Goebbels-Media write their disgusting “German Lies” also in English and finds true believers in some embassy but in reality it was Dieselboom who tried to trick Varf with fake papers hidden behind Blabla just like in a Shell-Game to subscription. If it appears that there were contracts and agreements (“made” end of November, haha) how comes that subscriptions? How stoopid to think just because someone works for a games company one plays games too. Noone insulted these war-criminals that massmurdered 142 people in Kundus but to see them on the screen means vomit for breakfast but I guess that is part of the whole Shell Game.

      • Oh.

        A typical left wing radical with bad style, heavy paranoia and an affection for conspiracy theories who tries to deflect his very own failure to the dirty deeds of dark foreign forces?

        Bad news: especially you and your likes face a dismal future. – Well deserved.

        Radical left Syriza propaganda makes Greece Europe’s laughingstock.

        On par with Comical Ali aka Baghdad Bob.

  4. Re: it’s all about political ideologies and power struggle and it has little to do with financing and monetary issues.
    I think I agree – being more sympathetic for other political ideologies than Syriza. I think that Europe cannot finance Greece with no strings attached, with no conditions – because other countries will want the same, and Eurozone will blow up. But of course, it IS about political ideologies… Euro was also rather a political decision, I am afraid, so it is the same all the time… More politics than pure economy.
    At least we have a fantastic chance to verify : is the Grexit (or IOUs + capital controls) a bluff ? I still do not know the answer, I try only to make hypotheses, now I would bet 8 against 2 that it is not a bluff… But time will show the solution of the riddle.
    At least Greeks consistently support Syriza, so if the Great Experiment fails / succeeds, one will be able to say : people have what they wanted …

  5. I am astonished –
    Is the Greek PM trying to get blood out of a rock ?
    None so blind than those who will not see – hey !

  6. There are people with insight, a capacity to see beyond the line that is drawn around them by those who would utilize them for profit.
    Should we call them visionaries, or just street wise.
    Alexis Tsipras & his government is none of these.
    Could they have been placed in position to do a little job, to deliver the head of Greece to the EU ghouls on a platter ?
    Have no fear, it will all blow up in their greedy faces:
    David Cameron won – hombre – dude – the whole world (certainly the western media outlets I have visited these few days gone) is wondering how the guy did it.
    No one was ever going to vote for Ed Miliband – not ever – never ever.
    So you do not have to be a rocket scientist to work it out man !
    5 more years of a fumbling, mumbling weak PM for Britain.
    In which time the UK will leave the EU.
    The never wanted to be a member of the EU, the UK were draged their kicking & screaming & they are even less happy about it today.
    remember my little car at the garage for repairs ?
    boy did I get done – man they took me & my pocket for a ride.
    So it is all about me right now.

  7. Sair do Euro para recuperar a soberania e desenvolver o país

    Google translator will help:

    Leaving the Euro to regain sovereignty and develop the country
