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Home / News / Economy / Greece requests ESM-Loan & Program Extension in order to avoid “technical default” – Tsipras’ letter full text

Greece requests ESM-Loan & Program Extension in order to avoid “technical default” – Tsipras’ letter full text

In a letter sent today to Eurogroup head Jeroen Dijsselbloem, Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras requests financial support from the European Stability Mechanism in form of two loans in order to serve Greece’s domestic and external debt and thus for the period of two years 2015-1027.

In a two-page letter that includes also a list of Debt Maturing 2015-2017, Greece asks also a short extension of the Program that expires Tuesday midnight until the loan is approved “in order to ensure a technical default is not triggered.”

“Greece is fully committed to serve its foreign debt in a way that ensures the sustainability of the Greek economy, the development and the social cohesion”, the letter concludes.

The letter was also send to European Commission President Jean Claude Juncker, SM Chairman Klaus Regling and EU Commissioner for Monetary Affairs Pierre Moscovici.

Tsipras proposal ESM L

Tsipras proposal ESM L1

Tsipras proposal ESM L2

The Eurogroup is to hold a teleconference at 7 pm Brussels time in order to decided on this request.

Full Tsipras Letter in PDF here.

Source: Daily

First reactions from Germany claim that Berlin was not willing to discuss anymore “the Greek issue” before Sunday’s Referendum or “unless the Referendum is cancelled.”

PS Will they let Greece default at 00:00:01?


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  1. @KGT Is this what you put a joke, or a whole real proposal???
    Whats the story with font?
    (its like some child created it)

    • keeptalkinggreece

      sorry what do you mean?

      • He means it is too short. He forgets the fact that the Troika complains when things are too long, doesn’t like macroeconomic analyses from varoufakis, and generally rejects everything for any reason that comes to mind.

        It is a quick summary proposal, of 2 pages, which apparently is what the morons of the Eurogroup like. They cannot cope with more than one or two pages to read — it hurts their brains (seriously).

      • I think they are referring to the appearance of the document. M&M,it is not a joke and how it appears through other news media. That is what the letter looks like.

      • Sorry, but I just couldn’t believe that this is our proposal (on one page with this funny mixture of fonts)… so I thought that it is some kind of joke.
        After that I found also on some other sites the same thing.
        I am surprised with our approach on such a crucial moment… or maybe I just don’t understand this “high level politics”, but I am not sure how we can benefit from this.
        Sorry again

    • @m&m I also noticed the font size and style alterations. I thought this happened when the full-resolution image was converted to a lower-resolution .png file. However, I followed the link to the full-resolution PDF posted on and it looks just as amateurish. I am not certain whether this site is to be trusted to display the Greek government documents accurately, but KTG seems to trust it enough.

      • keeptalkinggreece

        glad to see my readers trusting KTG’s judgment. yes, it is a serious daily. it has probably to do with the resolution. it may have also been efsyn’s problem.

  2. Giaourti Giaourtaki

    First of all the Goebbels-media use awful tricks, not only that they return to showing photos of Tsipras that let’im look most ugly – just like they did the first months until it went boring – but now they even present proudly little films in slow motion to let his face look like a monster.

  3. Bet a drachma this request will not be approved.