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Polar cold, Snow: Refugees spend the icy-cold days & nights in tents (picts, vid)

Migrants and refuges in Malakasa accommodation center launched a protest demanding better  the living conditions amid polar cold sweeping through out Greece.

video: Malakasa – Children and adults collect fire wood in nearby forest

Several groups moved tents out side the camp, set them on the road and threatened to set them on fire.


The cold weather front that has been sweeping through Greece for the last three days had not only Greeks who cannot afford heating suffering.

According to, the ministry has promised to set up 200 containers with heating devices by the end of the week for the refugees in Malakasa.

The Ministry reportedly seeks urgent solutions that at least families with children be accommodated in hotels until the containers are set up.

Ten of thousands of refugees and migrants stranded in the country, the majority of more than 60, 000 people, children, women and men had to spent the recent days and nights inside …summer tents, exposed to freezing temperatures, snow and rain and strong winds.


A volunteer of the NGO Collective Calling uploaded shocking pictures and made a dramatic appeal on Wednesday for the Yazidi refugees hosted in the Petra camp in the foot of the Mount Olympus.

Refugees feet are cold and wet! Pray for the refugees at Petra site

The camp has been run by the UN High Commissioner for Refugees.

It has been unclear how many people were in the camp; some media speak of some 1,200 men, women and children, other of 240 people.

After the multiple appeals for help, a huge operation in cooperation of municipality and other bodies was set, the refugees were relocated to Thessaloniki.

Petra Site has now been completely relocated. An emergency evacuation took place and everyone inc military did a great job

The ice-cold grab made life for refugees and migrants more miserable than it already is.

Equally bad are the conditions for the refugees and migrants in and outside Souda on the island of Chios.

Gale-force winds tore down several tents, leaving some 200 refugees without a …cloth over their head.

Later some efforts were been made that the people were relocated in a more protected area.

A report on local media was noting yesterday that “four churches had refused to host the people form Souda beach in their premises citing “operational reasons.”

NGOs, solidarity groups and aid workers gave been calling on the government to improve the living conditions stressing that their lives are at risk.

I read on a newspaper website that the migration ministry had ordered 850 heating devices for the Malakasa camp. They have not arrived yet.

Syrian refugees shelter from the cold weather on the outskirts of the northern Greek city of Thessaloniki, Nov. 30, 2016.

Despite the harsh weather conditions, refugees and migrants keep arriving in Greece.

On Wednesday, Greek authorities picked up about 70 migrants, including children, in a snowy forest near the northern city of Thessaloniki.

“We stayed all night in the forest. It was very cold and it was snowing,” 22-year-old Syrian Omar Abdi Aziz told The Associated Press by telephone.

Members of the group, who said they were from Syria, told Greek police they had crossed the Evros River on the Greek-Turkish border in dinghies and were then brought to Thessaloniki hidden in a truck.

The truck driver left them in the forest late Tuesday, and they spent the night there in the snow, authorities said.

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  1. Giaourti Giaourtaki

    Hopefully there are no dead under the snow. The pictures are good to be projected onto the walls of Eastern European embassies and the biggest for Austria who’s “bubbie”-bastard Kurz also supports the election campaign of the authoritarian regime of the Closing Borders Republic that thinks that it can join EU by kicking out Greece.

  2. Instead of trying to find a solution, it should be another ones problem. that there are more than 100000 of these people in Austria, who cares. The usual greek way – let an other one do the job. but what can you expect from a failed state.

    • More than 100,000 in Austria. Dear dear dear, what a terrible problem for our fascist Austrian friends! They might actually have to share some of their wealth with people in need. They might also care to note that, unlike fat over-eating Austrians, there are many starving Greek families after the imposition of economic destruction on Greece by the eurozone mafia. The Greek state does not have the resources or even the skills to deal with these problems, the promises of other EU countries do provide expertise and assistance amounts to fuck all, and meanwhile… the Austrians are thinking of electing another fascist as President. Hitler wasn’t enough to damage the world with? You are going for another attack on civilisation? Austria got off very lightly after 1945, trying to put all the blame on Germany. Now we see their true fascist colours in current politics.

      • Postscript. I forgot to mention that Greece does have a small fascist element. Many of them are part of the Church of Greece, who showed how little respect they have for the teachings of Christ when they closed their doors to freezing refugees. As far as I am concerned, they are Heathen. The property of the Church should be confiscated, the priests told to look for useful employment — such as feeding the poor — and the Greek state separated once and for all from these anti-Christian parasites.

      • Giaourti Giaourtaki

        This idiot for prez is not even an Austrian, he runs around with German flag, hope he’ll get executed as traitor but hey, Habsbourgh gots no nukes at all, so it’s 30 seconds over Vienna and minutemen will solved the problem

    • Giaourti Giaourtaki

      They wanted to go to Greece? No! No one will come to Austria if you just stop your imperialism and exploiting and raping the planet and the poor on it and your 100.000 you can send to your neighbours.
      Start to be a nice person and show that you care and throw your cell-phone away, it’s made in genocide.