Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras visited the Impact Hub Athens, a structure that supports the development of entrepreneurship and innovation through business model development projects that have a positive social impact.
The Prime Minister was guided through the premises, was briefed about the project and had the opportunity to chat with young people and representatives of social enterprises working at the hub. They spoke about their activities and explained that the hub offers them opportunities for synergies with other young people promoting their social enterprises.
Tsipras then joined a meeting with representatives of businesses active in the social economy, innovation and youth entrepreneurship sectors. Many of these dynamic young people have hired staff belonging to vulnerable social groups.
In a relaxed mood, Alexis Tsipras chatted with the people and was introduced to Alex, a young British national, who occasionally lives in Athens and also learns Greek.
“Alex is from UK and learns Greek,” a young woman form the hub staff introduced the Brit to the Prime Minister.
“Ah, you are English,” Tsipras commented.
“Yes, I live now in Athens. I like Greece,” Alex replied.
“If you do well in learning Greek, you could even become finance minister,” funny Alexis told stunned Alex.
I do not know if Alex understood Alexis’ joke that was a clear hint to finance minister Euclid Tsakalotos. He was raised in UK and his use of the Greek language are often mocked by the social media community.
Afterwards, Tsipras joined a meeting with representatives of businesses active in the social economy, innovation and youth entrepreneurship sectors. Many of these dynamic young people have hired staff belonging to vulnerable social groups.
It is worth noting that after two and a half years in power, the Greek government has recently discovered the start-ups entrepreneurship. It is apparently in the context of boosting investments, job creation and ‘synergies’ that is one of the business models very much supported by the left-wing SYRIZA.