What if Turkish lawmakers are guest at the Greek Palriament? They do not hesitate to provoke and threaten both their hosts and the Greek-Cypriots and claim rights over part of the Aegean Sea and the Cyprus Economic Exclusive Zone.
“The unilateral extraction of hydrocarbons on the part of the Republic of Cyprus will have consequences!” Ahmet Yildiz form Erdogan’s party AKP told his stunned Greek counterparts
“It is not acceptable and will have consequences,” the Turkish MP said during the works of the NATO inter-parliamentary meeting in Athens on Monday.
Yildiz said further that there are two parts in Cyprus. “If there is a need for extraction of hydrocarbons, this can be done after the resolution or mutual agreement of the two sides to share the permits.
If the Greek Cypriots want it (the sharing of deposits) the door is open. But when extraction in an area belonging to two regions is unilaterally, this is not acceptable and has consequences. I hope both sides work to work together.”
While Yildiz took up the Cypriots, his colleague Osman Askin Bak was obviously assigned to threaten the Greeks.
“The Greek side insists on unilateral actions,” Bak said with regards to the Aegean Sea adding “The Turkish side does not take part in the law of the sea. The Greek describes it as international law. Turkey has a larger coastline to the Aegean. It is a controversy and requires negotiations that have not been achieved so far, because the Greek side adheres to unilateral actions and interpretations.”
Two SYRIZA lawmakers present at the meeting, failed to respond appropriately to the Turkish provocations.
MP Christos Karagiannidis drew a parallel of the Greek-Turkish disputes to the Greek-FYROM issues and said “we have to solve our problems with one honest compromise as we did with the Prespes Agreement. Out two peoples live peacefully… It it the leaderships that led to conflicts.”
In the same limp wave length, his SYRIZA colleague Kostas Douzinas said “there should be a dialogue between Greece and Turkey with respect as it was with North Macedonia.”
Apparently neither Karagiannidis nor Douzinas are aware of the dialogue between the two foreign ministries and that been going on and off for over ten years and so far without any result.