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Tested positive in Greece? Life in a “quarantine hotel”

Tourists in Greece will be obliged to stay in so-called “quarantine hotels” if they have been tested positive, either at the Greek airport upon their arrival or later, provided that they do not need medical care in hospitals.

According to a report by Mega TV on Tuesday, those tested positive will stay in the quarantine hotel for at least 14 days or even longer that is until a COVID-19 test is negative.

The patients will be in self-isolation in their room and will not be allowed to use the common spaces of the facility.

They will contact the hotel personnel only by phone. Access to the room will be allowed only to a doctor.

Food, towels and other essential items will placed at the door outside their room.

Used towels and bed sheets will be disposed in a specific placed and disinfected.

Meals will be individually packed with single-use dishes etc.

Note: the measure refers not only to foreign tourists visiting Greece but also to Greeks on holidays.

Mega TV visited two quarantine hotels in Heraklio, Crete. One of them with a capacity of 20 beds is 25 minutes away from the General Hospital of the city.

The state pays 15 euros per day for an empty room in a quarantine hotel and 50 euros including meals if it is occupied.

Hoteliers complained that the subsidized prices are especially low due to the increased protection measures and the thorough disinfection needed.

Greeks are concerned about imported cases as the country opens to tourists from several countries on July 1.

Experts say that cause of concern will be if there 25-50 confirmed cases in one community, and the source of the infection cannot be located. A big number 25-50 of the so-called “orphan” cases would mean that there is coronaviurs spread within the community.


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  1. This is absolute nonsense for tourists who come to Greece with their own car. If the tourists are tested positive, then they should be obliged to leave Greece and return to their own country in a period of mostly 24 hours or even earlier. Whats the point of tourists being kept 2 weeks or more in a quaranteen, and then return home after that? Do I have to mention that this is going to be HUGE cost for Greece, if if the country pays all the expenses during that time. Its nonsense for the country of Greece also. Nobody will have any use out of these quaranteens-neither the country neither the tourists. So, just return the people who came by car , back to their own lands, if they test positive. All the best wishes to Greece and Greek people from Serbia.

    • Berthold Kynast

      Right! On 05.07. we will travel to Greece from our home in Burgas, Bulgaria by car. And the outraging thing is, that our normal border point Makaza has been closed without notice, and we have to make 220 kms or 3 hours longer way. Usually we go to the island of Thassos. Imagine, to go from Burgas 550 km to Kulata, then to go all the way back to the East to Keramoti to go to Thassos, so the double distance for a place normally to reach with 400 kms of distance. No thanks! In addition, we have no idea if there will be tests are the border, also we have no idea if Bulgaria is on the red list of countries or not. No serious information from Greek side. In this way, I bet all the tourists will think twice to come another time to the country. At least we will do. Very sad, because we have been fans of Greece until now. If we should be told to be tested, we will turn right away at the border to go home. I will not risk to be tested with one of those tests, which are anyway all not reliable. But that will also be my last time in Greece. I won’t participate in that mess another time. This regulation is a very big mistake!

      • You’re not wrong. Bulgaria has a similar demographic to Greece for Covid19, though cases do seem to be spiking atm. It would make more sense to open the borders between Greece and Bulgaria. Also people coming by car are currently queuing for 5 hours in their cars in blazing heat. It sounds like a nightmare scenario rather than a vacation. I suggest visiting somewhere beautiful in your own country this year, many Greek people have told me they have enjoyed holidays in Bulgaria, and you could visit Greece again when things get back to normal. Stay safe 🙂

  2. Would probably be cheaper for Greece to pay to return those testing postive, back to the country they came from on the next flight

    • That would be irresponsible. As they have it they would likely infect all those on the plane back. Not to mention the ones they probably have already infected on the way there!

  3. Heard a couple today saying they’d come to Heraklion from UK via Frankfurt. ..and didn’t get stopped or questioned once …. disconcerting to say the least.

    • Obviously that couple have circumvented the current rules on arrivals from the UK, so does it not follow that they should have be returned to the UK or Frankfurt on the next available flight and not allowed to enter Greece until it is lawful for them to do so?

      Because once this method of arriving gets out into the UK newspapers then you’ll get UK tourists arriving daily via Frankfurt or Helsinki or wherever and even if Greece extends the current ban.

  4. We have our flights booked to Greece from Slovakia, but under this conditions we will not come to Greece for holidays. I don’t trust these tests, they are unreliable and we would be kept isolated for 14 days or even longer?! No, thanks. Its a pity for the Greek tourism and for the Greek people.

  5. So what happens if someone is coming with a family and one of them get positive results, do they get quarantined all together?