Monday , September 16 2024
Home / News / CORONAVIRUS / Greek hospital doctor invites mask-deniers to ’emergency duty’ without protection

Greek hospital doctor invites mask-deniers to ’emergency duty’ without protection

A doctor at the Ippokatio hospital in Athens has challenged deniers of masks and Covid-19. He invited them to accompany him during the emergency duty of the public hospital under one condition: that they will not wear a mask or any other protective gear and they also sign a relevant statement.

On social media, doctor Nikos Razis posted the open invitation to those denying the existence of the pandemic and refusing to wear a mask to protect the others from contracting the virus.

“This is an official invitation to mask- and Covid-19 deniers to accompany me for 9 whole hours during the emergency duty of the hospital the day after tomorrow. But without a mask and a signed statement. Next to me. With me. Among patients of Covid-19.”

Doctor Razis posted his invitation both on Twitter and Facebook. He said that “nobody responded in the 24 hours the invitation was published.”

The mask- and pandemic-deniers proved what they suspected to be: ‘chicken’ with a big, loud beak.

At the same time, they rush to hospitals for a test if they coughed once and sneezed twice and refuse to stay isolated until the Covid-19 test results are out.

What kind of people are they?

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  1. Great idea !! It will be interesting to see if those refusing to wear a mask will appear ! Well done Dr Razis !

  2. I really admire this guy! Bravo!

  3. Well done Dr Nico
    My sentiments entirely

  4. I wouldn’t enter a TB Ward without a mask, but that doesn’t mean I need to walk the streets with a mask to keep from catching (let alone being hospitalized or dying) from tuberculosis.

  5. But the environment is entirely different from every day life outside of a hospital, isn’t it? Walking through a mall or a grocery store, or a restaurant or in school where more than likely the majority of the people are healthy.

    What a false challenge.

    • This argument doesn’t hold. Not when you can be “healthy”, carrying the virus and showing no symptoms walking around a mall or sitting in a restaurant and infecting others.

      • High Yield Consultant

        Yes Carl William … Fleming ignores the essence of the Dr. Razis challenge … if an anti masker is so sure of their viewpoint then come show us your confidence … that would let them prove their point! … 🙂 … I understand there are still no takers for this challenge!