Greece’s health authorities and TRAINOSE are proceeding with special modifications of a so-called “Covid-Train”, a train with six wagons in order to exclusively transfer Coivid-19 patients from Thessaloniki to hospitals in Greek capital Athens.
According to the GRTimes, the train has already arrived in Thessaloniki and work is already underway to configure the wagons for the mass transport of patients with coronavirus.
The train consists of a total of 4 coach-type wagons, a canteen-wagon and a sleep-wagon It is stationed at the NS Station of Thessaloniki in a place where the transport of patients can be done more easily and safely.
GRTimes reports that the patients will be transferred in the normal wagons after the seats are removed. 30-40 stretchers would be transported per wagon.
According to information from, the wagons were examined by Ambulance service executives in order to see if they can be configured in patient accommodation areas, to support the medical devices and consequently the safe transport of patients.
So far, two of the 4 wagons of the train are ready.
The transport is aimed for patients in need of normal wards and not for those from ICUs or in need of ICU care.
Health authorities’ first choice is the patients’ transport C-130 aircraft where up to three patients in negative pressure capsules connected to medical devices can be transported per flight.
However, as the situation in Thessaloniki is worsening, mass transportation could be needed.
The situation in the hospitals of Thessaloniki has dramatically worsened.
1,500 hospitalized Covid-19 patients out of 3,5000 in total across the country, are in Thessaloniki that is in the third week of lockdown.
Yesterday the cases of coronavirus in the ocuntry’s second biggest regional unit exceeded 900, almost twice as many as those in Athens and Attica..
The health system in Thessaloniki is already under immense pressure, the available ICU beds are now ta minimum possible.
According ot state broadcaster ERT, AHEPA hospital in full regarding simple and ICU bed. During the first 5 hours of emergency duty of Papageorgiou hospital, 170 people went for help. Of the 40 in total intubated patients, 16 are in the recovery rooms of surgeries and in surgery rooms.