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State to pay also salaries for non-clergy staff working at Church facilities

The Greek state will come up for the cost of non-cleric personnel working at facilities of the Church of Greece, the Holy Synod revealed on Tuesday. What is interesting is that news came from the Holy Synod and not from the government or the conservative Prime Minister’s office who was the one who agreed to a relevant request by the Church of Greece.

In a statement the Holy Synod thanked the Prime Minister “who responded positive to the request of the Church that the state contributes to the payroll of the no-clergy staff of church bodies.”

“It is well known, the non-clergy staff is self-financed, does not belong to the public sector and is not subsidized by the state budget. Its object is to substantially assist in the execution of the pastoral and charitable work of the Church, which despite the crisis and the minimization of revenues, due to the suspension of the operation of the holy temples, did not stop being offered, while no member of the staff was fired during [the pandemic crisis],” the Holy Synod said.

It simple language all the above means that the State – in addition to the priests- will now pay the staff who work in offices, churches etc etc and belongs to the clergy.

PS I wish the generous PM would be also large enough and order the state to come up for the cost of caretakers at home where there are people with disabilities – just an example.

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