Strong “low tide” phenomena across Greece have been observed in the last couple of days and have Greeks stunned as the waters receded up to 50 cm from the shore. Experts are clearly reassuring and explain that it is not related to the possibility of a big earthquake but is due to meteorological conditions such as southerly winds and even astronomic due to planets constellation.
In Kavouri, south-east Athens, water receded to such an extent the people would walk to the tiny islet a few meters away from the shore, they would normally reach swimming.
The phenomenon was observed also in other regions of Greece, from the North to the South
Video: Kalochori by Thessaloniki
The phenomenon is temporary and the water level will return to the previous state.
Amoudara, Crete via candiadoc
The really low tide phenomenon is not limited to Greece, though.
It is reportedly a “spring tide” , a term given to the phenomenon, which has nothing to do with the season. The name comes from the idea that the tide is “springing forth.” Spring tides occur twice each lunar cycle all year long.
“During full or new moons — which occur when the Earth, sun and moon are nearly in alignment —average tidal ranges are slightly larger,” the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration said of spring tides. “This occurs twice each month. The moon appears new (dark) when it is directly between the Earth and the sun. The moon appears full when the Earth is between the moon and the sun. In both cases, the gravitational pull of the sun is ‘added’ to the gravitational pull of the moon on Earth, causing the oceans to bulge a bit more than usual. This means that high tides are a little higher and low tides are a little lower than average.”
In addition to the moon’s gravitational pull, local nature lovers say that wind direction and speed could result in extra low or high tides.
Nice and reassuring explanations, but every right-thinking person knows that they are not the reason for these extremely low tides, because then we would see them more often. It can’t be a coincidence after those big earthquakes in the past weeks…..
Do you think the seawater is running down in cracks in the earths surface???? (irony 😉 Or maybe some other explanation, like “somebody” stealing it? (more irony 😉