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Home / News / CORONAVIRUS / Greece: 136,077 coronavirus cases; deaths & intubations increase

Greece: 136,077 coronavirus cases; deaths & intubations increase

Covid-related deaths and intubations increased in the week July 18-24, 2022, even though the number of coronavirus cases have decreased in Greece in the same reference week. Health authorities announced on Tuesday 136,077 confirmed coronavirus cases and 271 Covid-related deaths. According to the weekly bulletin issued on Tuesday by the National Organization for Public Health (EODY),  there are currently 132 intubated Covid-patients treated in Intensive Care Units.

The cases were identified from a total of 878,882 PCR and RAPID tests.

Positivity rate PCR+RAPID: 15.48%.

  • Daily average: Infections: 19,806
  • Deaths: 38 (?) see below
  • Intubations: 132 from 115 previous week (increase 14,7%)
  • Admissions: rolling average 399 (+10%)
  • Significant decrease by 8.5% in PCR (93,710) and RAPID (785,172) tests

Of the 136,077 confirmed coronavirus cases (weekly change -1%) reinfections were 19%.

The total number of confirmed Covid-19 cases in Greece since the start of the pandemic rose to 4,349,423 with a total of 30,999 deaths over the same period.


The total number of admissions in the reference week was 2,793 patients (7-day rolling average 399; weekly change 10%.) Total number of discharges amounts to 2,178 patients (7-day rolling average: 311; weekly change 4%).


The number of intubated patients by the end of the reporting week is 132 (66.7% men) with a median age of 67 years. 91.7% have an underlying disease and/or age of 70 years or older.


In the reporting week, 271 deaths of COVID-19 patients were recorded (26 per million population; +26% weekly change).  Since the start of the epidemic a total of 30,999 deaths have been recorded. 95.8% of the deceased had an underlying disease and/or age 70 or older.

It is interesting that in the previous week EODY gave the total number of deaths as 30,707 and this week as 30,999.

  • Only EODY knows if the deaths in the reference week are 271 or 292!

The median age of the infected cases is 38 years, while the median age of the dead is 80 years.

Geographic distribution July 18-24

Infection cases:

45,479 Attica

15,362 Thessaloniki

EODY via

Infections MAP: last 14 days per 100,000 population


EODY Bulletin in Greek here

More information on coronavirus in Greece here on KTG.

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  1. It is ridiculous that we find out how bad covid might might be in retrospect! We need to know it on a daily basis so that we can ourselves be cautious… it is a farce…

  2. nathalie koerfer

    Is the government no longer disclosing what the percentage of vaccinated are in ICU?. Is this because the figures do not look good ?

  3. I agree, not very helpful omitting, what some would say is a vital data set. I hope this is corrected shortly for everyone’s benefit.

    • Why aren’t we including the stats surround vaccinated Vs unvaccinated patients regarding intubations and deaths?

  4. Greece is not alone in altering their reporting protocols to omit what I would consider to be important indicators.
    Until proven otherwise, I am led to believe that the data does not support the narrative and is therefore being suppressed.
    mikey 🤔🤔😎.