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Kaili admitted she asked father to hide money; over 20mln in Panama bank

Greek MEP and former EP vice president Eva Kaili admitted under questioning in Belgium that she had asked her father to hide part of the money that was in her home, Brlgian media “Le Soir” and “Knack”as well as Italian “Republica” reported.

The media noted that Kaili has “partially confessed”, admitting that she asked her father to hide money that was in her apartment.

Kaili’s father was arrested on December 9, on the first day of an anti-corruption operation by Belgian authorities, hiding in the Brussels Sofitel hotel with a suitcase full of cash and, according to the arrest warrant for the Greek MEP issued on the same day, she had admitted that she had instructed her father to hide the money.

According to “Knack”, Kaili said that she had known about her husband’s activities with former MEP Pier Antonio Panzeri in the past and that the suitcases filled with cash had been in her apartment.

It said Kaili “panicked” when police stopped her partner Francesco Giorgi as he was leaving their apartment on December 9, contacting her father and also attempting to warn Panzeri and two unnamed MEPs who are also under investigation.

It adds that Kaili’s Belgian lawyer e-mailed “Knack” magazine on Monday to express “outrage” that the magazine had access to these documents and that the rules were not being respected, while claiming that its report of “partial confessions” was a “biased interpretation.”

The press reports note that her partner, Francesco Giorgi, had admitted that he was part of an organization used by both Morocco and Qatar to intervene in European affairs

Meanwhile, Kaili’s Greek lawyer dismissed as “fake” and “forged” documents that listed Eva Kaili, her father and her mother as having deposits of $20,000,000, $4,000,000 and $4,000,000 respectively at BLADEX bank in Panama.

“The documents that show the State of Qatar through the National Bank of Qatar bribing Eva Kaili and members of her family in bank accounts named in Panama are manifest and obvious forgeries,” said Michalis Dimitrakopoulos.

He added that they will ask the Electronic Crime Directorate to investigate who the forger is and what are his intentions.

The hearing of Eva Kaili is scheduled on Thursday, December 22, when the Justice council will decide whether is will remain in custody or be released on ankle bracelet and possible other conditions.

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