A very high fires danger (risk category 4) has been forecast for Thursday, August 10, in five Greek islands, according to the Fire Danger Forecast Map issued by the General Secretariat for Civil Protection of the Climate Crisis and Civil Protection ministry.
The remaining islands across the country are marked to be at “high risk.”
The regions with a high fires danger include the islands of
- Samos
- Ikaria
- Chios
- Psara
- Lesvos
Regins marked “yellow” indicate that the following regions are at “High risk of Fires” (category 3). These are:
- Attica
- Viotia
- Evia
- Corinth
- Argolida
- Areas in Fthiotida
- Areas in Evros
- Almost all islands in the country
⚠ Χάρτης Πρόβλεψης Κινδύνου 🔥για 10/08:
🟠 Πολύ υψηλός κίνδυνος 4️⃣ σε:
📍 #Σάμο #Ικαρία #Χίο #Ψαρά & #Λέσβο
🟡 Υψηλός κίνδυνος 3️⃣ σε
📍 #Αττική #Εύβοια #Βοιωτία
📍 #Κορινθία #Αργολίδα
📍 περιοχές #Φθιώτιδας #Έβρου &
📍 στο σύνολο σχεδόν της λοιπής νησιωτικής χώρας— Civil Protection GR (@GSCP_GR) August 9, 2023
According to meteorologists, the August northern winds – meltemia- are forecast start again as of tomorrow, Tuesday, August 8, and to blow with intensity of 7 to 8 and locally even 9 Beaufort.
It is recalled that the fire season in Greece ends at the end of October and starting a fire outdoors or do agricultural or other works that cause sparks are absolutely forbidden.
In case of fire call 199.