The mayor of Volos, Achilleas Beos, slapped a citizen, one of the many protesting the situation in the flood-stricken area. A day earlier, Beos had “attacked” another citizen with a water hose.
Several videos, show mayor Beos attacking and slapping a citizen and thus in front of strong police forces and other citizens.
The victim can be heard shouting “may my hand that voted for you be cut off” and “go f*ck, bully” before the mayor turned around and struck him on the head.
The mayor ordered police to arrest and imprison all protesters for hindering restoration works. “Whoever hinders public works will be in prison,” the lunatic 64-year-old Beos threatened, this time totally out of control.
After the videos exposed the mayor’s unacceptable behavior, he justified his action claiming that he hasn’t slept for one month as the area of Volos was hit by floods twice since beginning of September.
Hours later and in a meeting with the victim at his office, Beos told the 26-year-old man that he hit him “because I’m the mayor and a father of 5.” Note that the victim apologized for his behavior but not the perpetrator. The mayor reportedly recorded the meeting without informing accordingly the young man.
Citizens had gathered in Alli Meria to protest that crews from the regional government were tentatively closing a stream with rubble with the aim to restore a collapsed road connecting their village with the rest of the world.
Residents from 70 households of Alli Meria have reportedly also gathered signatures to file a lawsuit, while a meeting with the prosecutor with the aim to seek “protection” is due on Monday.
Achilleas Beos, a former body guard and owner of a football club, is the “ruling king” of Volos since 2014.
On Friday night, mayor Beos grabbed a water hose from a municipality street cleaner and directed the strong water flow against a local lawyer standing with other colleagues outside the elections office of the mayor’s main competitor, local media reported. the victim filed a lawsuit against Beos.
After the incident on Saturday morning, voices are loud for his punishment by the Mayors’ Federation and that New Democracy withdraws its support as the first round of local elections is due on October 8, 2023.
As the outcry over Beos’ behavior is growing, ruling New Democracy said in a statement that “ND never supported Beos’s candidacy for the mayor-ship, condemnation of any act of violence is given.” ND argued that only supports regional governors and mayor candidates in the three big Greek cities.
PS No, nobody has arrested the mayor for slapping a citizen. Thanks for asking.
So let me get this right?
A Greek citizen committed an act of violence in from of working police officers that did absolutely nothing?
Disgusting. Police are supposed to keep the police and protect its citizens of crime.
The man is a lunatic and a criminal. He has done very little to protect people in Volos against floods. He just goes around making videos of things happening in Volos with presenting himself as a man of the people. Typical Balkan populist politician.