A woman was killed and two other people were injured, all Greeks, in a traffic accident that took place in the city of Usak near Izmir in West Turkey on Thursday morning.
According to Turkish media information, the 67-year-old woman died on the spot as she was thrown from the vehicle after it overturned.
All three passengers were reportedly Greek tourists who had rented the car and were on the Ankara lane of the Izmir-Ankara highway. The driver allegedly lost control of the vehicle.
Turkish website yesilsivasligazetesi.com reported that the driver lost control of the car that left the road and overturned after traveling 200 meters in a field.
The driver of the vehicle, 59, and another female passenger, 63, were injured and taken to a hospital located in Banav district of Usak province.
According to latest reports by Greek media, the three people in the car were not tourists but they were working at a cultural foundation in Turkey.
The driver is a retired officer of the Greek Armed Forces, Mega TV Live News reported, adding that he is holding a high position in the foundation.