The overwhelming majority of Greeks believe that corruption is widespread in the country and that this phenomenon has increased in the last three years.
According to the Eurobarometer survey in 2024, Greece ranks first in corruption issues within the European Union.
98% of Greeks believe that there is corruption n the country, while 53% stated that it has increased over the last three years.
Greece is well above the European average, with 68% of Europeans believing that corruption runs rampant in their countries.
The highest percentages, after Greece, are recorded in Portugal (96%), Malta (95%) and Slovenia (95%), while the lowest are in Finland (18%), Denmark (26%) and Luxembourg (43%).
The Eurobarometer records that around a quarter of Europeans stated that they have had personal experience of corruption in their daily lives and 75% reported that business and politics are very closely linked, creating the conditions for corruption to flourish.
Corruption Survey findings regarding Greece
98% believe that corruption exists everywhere
53% believe that corruption has increased, 38% that the situation has been the same in recent years, while only 5% believe that the situation has improved. The corresponding percentages for the E.U. are 41%, 43% and 9%.
71% of Greeks believe that there is corruption in political parties
68% note that politicians get bribed and use their power for personal advancement.
67% believe that there is corruption among officials who award public tenders
63% see corruption in officials who issue building permits
24% believe there is corruption in private businesses
89% believe that there is corruption in the health system
59% consider that there is corruption in the supervisory authorities
29% believe that there is corruption in banks and other financial organizations
56% see corruption in the police
57% believe that there is corruption in the tax authorities
38% believe that there is corruption in the courts
According to daily efimerida twn syntaktwn, the survey findings are “a slap in the face to the Mitsotakis government,” and noted “another gloomy observation about the situation that has prevailed in our country for years, but has worsened during the omnipotence of Mitsotakis.”
Sadly enough even we in the north of Europe has learned the word “fakelaki”. Corruption is quite common in every society. To pay a little extra to get what you want sooner than other people, bribe is the usual word.
98% believe it because their willing participants, everybody in Greece knows somebody who knows somebody , who will facilitate your various needs for fifty Euros moving up in price for various other que jumping activities, or more nefarious activities .
So if politicians are greek people , highly likely, it is part of their culture, but sshh ,nobody in the rest of the world knows, 🤣🤣. That’s why Greece is destined to spend the next 50 years ripping off tourists.
Viva the republic 🍌.