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Greeks “Electroshocked” with Power Hikes

Greeks got the first electroshock with the hikes in their power bills. State-run electricity company DEH will raise an average fee of €4-6 per household for the consumption of 1,000 MWh as of January 2012. The fee is raised for ‘green energy’ because DEH uses environment-polluting lignite. Private households will be charged with an average of €5.99/MWH, enterprises, industry and agriculture with less. Of course, private households have a money printing machine at home, while the others do not. This is the first of a series of DEH-hikes, the electricity price is expected to raise by 15-20%. If you consider that the emergency property tax will continue to be paid via DEH, we can proudly say “our power bills got fire!”.

Although the Regulatory Authority for Energy has trimmed at half the increases in RES duty requested by the Transmission System Operator, the final decisions will be tough for both households and enterprises. 

According to the authority, it was proposed the weighted average adjustment to €5.43/MWh. This increase is interpreted as:

For households (low voltage): from €1.95 to €5.99/MWh

Heavy industry (high voltage): from €1.04 to €2.96/MWh

Medium voltage for agricultural use: from €0.74 to €2.29/MWh

Medium voltage for other use: from €1.69 to €5.35/MWh

Low voltage for agricultural use, from €0.9 to €2.96/MWh

Low voltage for other use: from €2.49 to €7.39/MWh

According to RAE, the deficit of TSO amounts to €194.7 million at the end of 2011. Thus the authority will examine every quarter the course of a special account to ascertain the financial status of the operator. In case of new deviations, RAE will review the decision and impose new increases. 

It should be noted the authority estimates revenue of €30 million from television duty and €55 million from an extraordinary duty to lignite production. (

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  1. Think im gonna build a treadmill in the garden and hirer some unemployed Greek (there are plenty of them) to run around generating electricity.

    How on earth do they expect that we can just continue paying these hugh bills? It went up a lot just over the past years and now a massive jump of 15-20%..

    Im fed up with all this. Damn it. Need to find some island I can move to, fare fare away from anything having to do with the EU and the other mafiosos.

    • sure, why not? PS Leave as soon as you can!

      • Zanzibar maybe.. Been there ones.. Amazing place. And not that big a difference from Greece. Nothing works, constant powercuts, corrupt politicians, hard beating police and hospitals have no medicin or staff.

  2. If we would go to 110V like in the US, would we also pay half? 😀

    • hahaha, sure! and we get paid in USDollars!

      • Ah! THAT’s also a good measure: convert every Euro price into dollars. 1on1. So we would just pay 3/4 of 50%. See, live is becoming cheaper by the minute! 😆