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First Time in Greece: A Prosecutor for the Animal Protection

For the first time in Greece, a prosecutor has been assigned and will be responsible for the protection of the animals and the strays. Prosecutor Constantina Aggelopoulou will oversee the cases of animal abuse, poisoning and torturing animals, and all other cases that violate the new animal protection law.

Meanwhile the cases of animal abuse continue. In Ilia, Peloponnese, an unknown culprit shot and wounded a Labrador dog. the unlucky animal was found by the wife of its owner. In Rhodes, another unknown culprit poured poison in the drinking water of dogs that were hosted by an animal lover. Two puppies found an incredible painful death, a third puppy could be saved. The puppies were former strays that were waiting for adoption. In Madamados,  Mytilene, a priest managed to save a dog that got poisoned. In Kastoria, unknown culrpits threw poison even inside the municipality animal shelter. Dozens of dogs found painful death.

A driver at the intercity bus KTEL bus from Nafplio to Athens denied a pet owner the right to transport her 1.5-kilo dog in a carrier in the passengers section, as it is stated in the new animal protection law. Furthermore the local KTEL has been stating that the transport of small animals is allowed at the passengers section.  “No animal got harm while travelling in the luggage section” said the driver. The pet owner refused to travel and filed a complaint with the help of a local animal welfare organization.

We hope the new prosecutor will take care of these cases as well.

news sources: adespoto.gr

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  1. Ηλίας Δημητρακόπουλος

    Θα ήθελα να συμπληρωθεί και με ένα νούμερο τηλεφώνου έκτακτης ανάγκης, για να αναφέρονται τα εγκληματικά περιστατικά, πρίν ξεχαστούν την άλλη μέρα…

    • keeptalkinggreece

      there is some effort to set a telephone helpline for this purpose, @Ilias.
      PS Ilias stresses the necessity of setting up a telephone line where people can report cases of animal abuse and that they will be recorded (the cases)

    • Let us hope this works and there is a way to make reporting (and action) more simple. It took me several visits to police & local authority to get action some months back on a critical situation out here in the Peloponnese…..

      • keeptalkinggreece

        I bet it took several visits. Hopefully something will finally change in this direction.

  2. Let’s hope it is not another case of passing a law and appointing some people without actually putting it into practice. And yes, having a hotline would be a good thing.