reece’s voters demonstrated a “generations’ gap” concerning their voting behaviour. According to the findings of Sunday’s exit polls:
Nea Dimocratia received almost double votes by voters older than 55 years old.
SYRIZA prevails in age groups 18-54 years old.
ND received 20% in 18-34 age group, 24% in 35-54 and skyrocketed to 39% in 55+.
SYRIZA received 33% in 18-34 age group, 34% in 35-54 and fell down to 20% in 55+.
I am bad at statistics. But when I see this a question springs to mind: Is the age-group above 54 so much bigger? Because if it isn’t the only explanation of the ND victory over SYRIZA could be that the 54-minus group did not come out to vote as much as the 54-plus group?
yes. the youth left to work aborad maybe.
I specialise in statistics. As in all of the EU, the demography of Greece is heavily distorted by too many old people, and it is getting worse.
Moreover, the turnout of young people was very low in Attika. This may be absence abroad, or it may be disinterest.
taken together, these two factors mean that Greece’s politics are now the politics of an old people’s home.
“too many old people”??? You mean: “too few young people”, I guess? And when the majority of people in a country is over 54 then it is only democratically sound that they have the major say in what happens. It’s called democracy. Or are you in favour of an age limit for voting on both sides of live?
When the old people are illiterate, senile and do not work, then that country is going to have terrible governments and an economy that can never survive. This is the first time in history that countries are full of old people, and the first time that old people have pensions that have to be paid from money earned by young people, and healthcare that somebody else has to pay for.
Basioally, Europe is fucked. It is a continent of useless old people who expect the few young people to work like slaves for no money. The politics and economics of an old people’s home.