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Greek media outline the profile of Fyssas’ murderer; Golden Dawn sues minister, media for “slander”

Who is Giorgos Pupakias charged with the murder of left musician Pavlos Fyssas? Without exception all Greek media try to gather information from family members, friends, neighbors and coworkers, bring together the puzzles and create the profile of the 45-year-old who confessed the murder.

Named and anonymous sources tell Greek media that Roupakias was a quite man, a family father of two who lost his job as fuel truck driver two years ago. After his dismissal he was occasionally working at fish shops of relatives.

In the last two years “he was on the payroll of extreme-right Golden Dawn,”  a friend told Vima FM. Roupakias allegedly was running the canteen at local GD office in Nikaia, a suburb next to Keratsini where the murder of Fyssas occurred. His wife was allegedly working at GD office as cleaner, his daughter as well.

“He did it for some extra money, for a tip,” the friend claimed.

Mainstream media published pictures of Roupakias participating in GD-organized events, like summer camps

ΦΩΤΟΓΡΑΦΙΚΟ ΝΤΟΚΟΥΜΕΝΤΟ  Ο δράστης, Γ. Ρουπακιάς, με άλλους ομοϊδεάτες, κάτω από τα λάβαρα της Χρυσής Αυγής στην κατασκήνωσή τους στη Νέδα, το καλοκαίρι

via daily Ethnos

food distribution for Greeks only, a picture showing Roupakias with Golden Dawn MP Barbarousis

a picture showing Roupakias with Golden Dawn MP Barbarousis via Proto Thema

On Thursday, the suspect’s wife and a cousin as well as the secretary of the Piraeus office of Golden Dawn had to appear before the prosecutor.

“The wife and cousin face charges of making a false statement after allegedly claiming to have thrown away an extendable truncheon and Golden Dawn pamphlets that had been in the couple’s home before the truncheon was discovered in a raid on GD’s Piraeus office,” ekathimerini reported.

Daily Ethnos cited an ex Golden Dawn member who shed light into the operation scheme of the party. Ethnos reports that the GD assault squads were given the green light by the head of the local office who on his turn would get approval by a party maker and the “boss”.

“Fyssas was target because of his antifascists songs and because his lyrics were isnutling to Godlen Dawn,” the ex GD member told Ethnos. (full article in Greek via

Golden Dawn sees “slander against a legal party”

As more and more Greek media shed light in the operations and hierarchy of Golden Dawn with thorough details and documents and show that Fyssas’ murderer was an active member of Golden Dawn, the party dismisses all reports and even files lawsuits against the Minister for Citizen Protection Nikos Dendias, television channels,  newspapers and politicians “who slander and threaten a legal political party.”

On Friday morning Golden Dawn spokesman Ilias Kasidiaris told the press:

“Golden Dawn lodges a legal complaint against Mr. Dendias’ false accusations, but also against all television channels, newspapers and politicians who slander and threaten a legitimate political party. Political parties and television channels exploit a dead fellow citizen with the sole purpose to make propaganda against the Golden Dawn and reduce our power. You are all illegal and sycophants. From the first time we condemned the perpetrators of this crime, “said Ilias Kasidiaris.

Police investigation

While Giorgos Roupakias is to defend himself before an investigating magistrate at 9 a.m. on Saturday, Greek police has already checked his telephone records from his seized mobile on the night Fyssas’ was stabbed to death.

According to his wife’s testimony, Roupakias was watching the football match at home when he received a phone call and left the house.

Greek media reported on Friday that the police has already identified the calls he received and made in the hour before Fyssas’ stabbing.

“Giorgos Roupakias had received six phone calls, one of them by the head of a local office,” To Vima reported on its website.

Police has still to find out whether Roupakias received a clear phone order to kill Pavlos Fyssas or just an order to go and assault and/or intimidate him and he lost control in the heat of ideological moment.






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One comment

  1. If it is confirmed that Golden Dawn has a lot of sympathizers within the police force, I wonder how far the investigation will go.