By 98% of the polling stations counted, the results form the voting for the European Parliament are:
- SYRIZA 26.58% – 6 MEPS (Glezos, Sakorafa, Papadimoulis, Kouneva, Katroygalos, Chrysogonos)
- ND 22.74% – 5 MEPS (Kefaloyiannis, Spyraki, Zagorakis, Vozenberg, Kyrtsos)
- GOLDEN DAWN 9.39% – 3 MEPS (Synadinos, Fountoulis, Epitideios)
- ELIA/PASOK 8% – 2 MEPS (Kaili, Androulakis)
- TO POTAMI 6.6% – 2 MEPS (Grammatikakis, Kyrkos)
- KKE 6% – 2 MEPS (Papadakis, Zargianopoulos)
- INDEPENDENT GREEKS 3.45% – 1 MEP (Marias)
- LAOS 2.69%
- GREEK EUROPEAN CITIZENS (Chatzimarkakis) 1.45%
- Democratic Left 1.21%
Participation: 59.92%
In a universe before the crisis Greece used to be green (PASOK) and blue (ND). Now it’s blue and pink (SYRIZA).
Winners and Losers
Compared to Parliamentary Elections June 2012:
SYR -0.33% ND – 6.93% PASOK/ELIA – 4.95% GoldenDawn +2.47 KKE +1.5% INDEPGREEKS -4.60% DEMLEFT -5.03% LAOS +1.60
SYRIZA: historic win with 3.7% difference towards Nea Dimokratia
Nea Dimokratia and PASOK (ELIA): losses for coalition government parties are added together on two-digits.
However, right after the exit polls on Sunday, both ND and PASOK challenged the logic of common sense. Both coalition government parties were quick to claim that the result do not put the government stability at risk and that SYRIZA is not the winner as it received less votes than in the parliamentary elections.
ELIA did better than in public opinion polls, maybe also due to Venizelos’ threat to withdraw from the government and trigger early elections.
Golden Dawn: increased its rates and votes despite the fact that many MPs are in custody awaiting trial for establishing a criminal organization.
Nationalist INDEPENDENT GREEKS suffered immense losses, but the real electoral Waterloo came for former Samaras’ coalition partner Democratic Left.
Newly established To Potami managed to receive a respectful rate despite the fact that the party’s positions were unclear.
In Municipality and regional elections Nea Dimokratia and PASOK did better, with ND winning 11 out of 13 regions.
In Greece’s biggest region Attica, SYRIZA candidate Rena Dourou prevailed with 50.83% against Yiannis Sgouros (49.17%) who was supported by PASOK And ND.
Can you explain the difference between LAOS and GD, I thought GD took all the former LAOS voters that did’nt follow the MPs to ND, it was surprising to see a gain for them?
LAOS is nationalist and xenophobic but not neo-nazi